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Showing posts from May, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend

 Happy Memorial Day friends!  The unofficial start of summer!  We didn't have a ton of plans for the weekend.  It rained on Friday evening, which was fine because that pretty much sealed the deal on Carl being off all weekend as well as Monday.  After this little storm blew through, we just kind of chilled out for the night. Perfect view of the western sky. One of the best things about living here is watching the sunsets and watching storms/showers roll in. On Saturday, Makena went to work, and Carl and Trey went to go buy a gun. I worked on cleaning up the house because I had Wrenley on Friday, and my house was a wreck.   Trey took Makena's jet ski out on Saturday for a little joy ride. The sun was kind of in and out and the water was really choppy on Saturday. Caught a glimpse of the sun  This was the only picture I took on Sunday.   I took Wrenley to the nursery on Sunday morning. I think she was pretending to call Mama! My sweet girl was dressed for the holiday. She definit

Trey's High School Graduation

 Every year the Education Alliance of Arkansas puts on a graduation for any homeschool high school senior at Harding University in Searcy.  This year there were 108 diplomas given out.  Our diplomas are the only ones in the state that are signed by Arkansas's Governor, Sarah Sanders.  Look at how handsome he is💓 Congratulations to the Arkansas Homeschool Class of 2024! When I began homeschooling (8 years ago), 2024 seemed so far away... Diploma in hand! Look at that smile!   He did it!! We are extremely proud of him. The future is bright for you, buddy! Trey and Makena Faith Trey with my parents, Nanny and Pop My sister with Trey Trey with Carl's parents, Nana and Papaw TR After the graduation (2hr. graduation I might add), Carlie and Caleb went over to get us a room to eat at the Rock House and this was our group picture.   Carl's parents didn't get to eat with us this time (they did after Makena's).  It was a beautiful day for a graduation! At Carlie's gradua

Happy Mother's Day!

  I do believe I am blessed with the best mom.  She is caring, selfless, and everything a mother should be.  She raised us in church and has always taught us the importance of putting God first. We love you mom, and we are thankful for all that you do for us! Speaking of great mothers, Carl's mom is pretty great too! And of course she raised my best friend!!  I am thankful to her for that :) And there is my Grammy.  Dementia is the worst. There are still glimpses of the old Grammy, but they are becoming few and far between.  She always took care of everyone, even if you weren't her family, she would take care of you.  She was the very best cook, and she was always someone I could talk to about anything.  I thank God every day for her and I am so glad that my children and Wrenley have gotten to have her in their lives. I am very thankful for my kids, and for Caleb too! It is the biggest blessing being their mother/mother-in-law/BeBe. "Lo, children are an heritage of the Lor

Makena's College Graduation

 On Friday we set off to Arkadelphia to help move Makena out of her dorm and see her graduate on Saturday.  💖💖💖 Makena and her roommate, Jenna She worked hard for this moment! Princess wave!  Makena Faith and Wrenley Beth Proud parents of our college graduate! Caleb, Makena, Carlie, and Trey Congratulations to Ouachita Baptist University Class of 2024! This was a post that Makena's workplace wrote about her.   I am so proud of her, and so very excited to see what the future holds! It was a crazy wild Friday and Saturday! Carl and I were worn out by the time Friday night rolled around.  I am just thankful we stayed in a hotel that night because graduation started at 9:30 a.m. My sister and her kids, my parents, and Carl's mom and step-dad all came too, I just didn't take many pictures.  It was long, but such a special day for our first-generation college graduate.   "In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and prais

Trey's BBQ Senior Sunday

 We are starting a super busy month off with a BBQ graduation celebration for Trey! I didn't get many pictures of Trey with his guests, but it was a very special night, honoring our very special boy! Trey Landon, almost high school graduate Trey by his cake table Goofball I love it when he smiles a real smile. Makes my heart so happy. I didn't get a picture of the finished product, but I think it looked really nice. We are so proud him. My sister and Tim with Trey His cake was absolutely perfect, and DELICIOUS! Getting ready for his slideshow "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest." Joshua 1:9 I have a strange feeling that this is going to be a very emotional month.  All of my kids are now adults, and I'm not exactly sure how I feel about that! Much Love, Beth