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Memorial Day Weekend

 Happy Memorial Day friends!  The unofficial start of summer!  We didn't have a ton of plans for the weekend.  It rained on Friday evening, which was fine because that pretty much sealed the deal on Carl being off all weekend as well as Monday. 

After this little storm blew through, we just kind of chilled out for the night.

Perfect view of the western sky.
One of the best things about living here is watching the sunsets and watching storms/showers roll in.

On Saturday, Makena went to work, and Carl and Trey went to go buy a gun. I worked on cleaning up the house because I had Wrenley on Friday, and my house was a wreck.  

Trey took Makena's jet ski out on Saturday for a little joy ride.

The sun was kind of in and out and the water was really choppy on Saturday.

Caught a glimpse of the sun 

This was the only picture I took on Sunday. 
 I took Wrenley to the nursery on Sunday morning. I think she was pretending to call Mama!

My sweet girl was dressed for the holiday.
She definitely makes things more fun.

Caleb, Wrenley, Carlie, and Trey on Pop's Gator

Wrenley was ready to hit the pool!

Waiting on the sunscreen to dry :)

All of the girls :)

She was glued to my side.

After our party at the pool, Carlie, Caleb, and Wrenley went home and we headed to the river.

Trey always likes to fly the flag on his boat.

Meanwhile, Carl, Makena and I took the jet boat.

Makena was chillin' in the back

Trey doesn't really appreciate my pictures.

The sun was out and the water was much smoother on Monday
It was a pretty perfect day!

Our captain!

I can't remember the last Memorial Day that Carl has had off, much less the whole weekend.  Thanks to the rain, we were able to enjoy it to the fullest!

Of course we didn't forget the true meaning of this holiday.  We are thankful for those who gave their lives while fighting for our freedoms.  Freedom doesn't come without a cost.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

Much Love,


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