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Makena's College Graduation

 On Friday we set off to Arkadelphia to help move Makena out of her dorm and see her graduate on Saturday. 

Makena and her roommate, Jenna

She worked hard for this moment!

Princess wave! 

Makena Faith and Wrenley Beth

Proud parents of our college graduate!

Caleb, Makena, Carlie, and Trey

Congratulations to Ouachita Baptist University Class of 2024!

This was a post that Makena's workplace wrote about her.  
I am so proud of her, and so very excited to see what the future holds!

It was a crazy wild Friday and Saturday! Carl and I were worn out by the time Friday night rolled around.  I am just thankful we stayed in a hotel that night because graduation started at 9:30 a.m. My sister and her kids, my parents, and Carl's mom and step-dad all came too, I just didn't take many pictures.  It was long, but such a special day for our first-generation college graduate.  

"In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven."  Matthew 5:16

Much Love,


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