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Trey's High School Graduation

 Every year the Education Alliance of Arkansas puts on a graduation for any homeschool high school senior at Harding University in Searcy.  This year there were 108 diplomas given out.  Our diplomas are the only ones in the state that are signed by Arkansas's Governor, Sarah Sanders. 

Look at how handsome he is๐Ÿ’“

Congratulations to the Arkansas Homeschool Class of 2024!

When I began homeschooling (8 years ago), 2024 seemed so far away...

Diploma in hand!

Look at that smile!  
He did it!!

We are extremely proud of him.
The future is bright for you, buddy!

Trey and Makena Faith

Trey with my parents, Nanny and Pop

My sister with Trey

Trey with Carl's parents, Nana and Papaw TR

After the graduation (2hr. graduation I might add), Carlie and Caleb went over to get us a room to eat at the Rock House and this was our group picture. 
 Carl's parents didn't get to eat with us this time (they did after Makena's). 

It was a beautiful day for a graduation! At Carlie's graduation there was a storm and poor Makena didn't get a high school graduation because... 2020!  The weather was great and thanks to Carlie and Caleb we didn't even have to wait on a table afterwards!  
Can we just talk about how much this means to me for a minute?  I will never forget how nervous I was when I started homeschooling.  Like I said, that was 8 years ago.  I thought everything had to be just right, and we couldn't veer from the curriculum (that's a lie people!)!  Over the years I learned to make it homeschool, not school at home.  Arkansas is such a great state to homeschool in.  We are pretty much free to do as we please, once we submit the Notice of Intent.  There are so many things that my kids were able to see and do that added to their learning experiences.  Homeschool made this possible.  
Now, when school begins in fall, I suppose I will be a little sad, but I remember looking at Carl when the graduation was over and saying, "I'm free!".  I have finished my task.  I have one daughter who is a surgical tech, one that just graduated from college and is doing what she loves as a museum coordinator, and now my baby is done.  He isn't exactly sure what he wants to do.  He may end up taking a gap year or he may go ahead and head to our local community college.  He is working full-time as a tractor mechanic for my uncle right now.  He has grown into a more responsible young man in many ways over the past year, although I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the hardest in all of my parenting.  But by God's grace (and a whole lot of prayer) we all made it through.  

I am so proud of you, Trey!  I will always be your biggest fan.

Much Love,


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