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Showing posts from December, 2024

Burn It Down

The highlight of our weekend was going to Parker McCollum in North Little Rock. Makena got us tickets back in August and we have been so excited to see him! Me and my girl 💗 Me and my love The whole gang It was a great show! It was a long day and a late night, but we had fun making memories! Much Love, Beth

December 2024 Part 2

 Part two of December isn't going to be as long as part one! I didn't take many pictures of the kids opening their gifts because I was busy enjoying the moment. It was honestly one of the easiest Christmases we have had. Everyone was pretty chill and unhurried. I love that! Before breakfast, I decided to snap a picture of the dining room. This is Grammy's plaid tablecloth. I love adding her little touches to the holidays. We love Pappy's Christmas breakfast! Wrenley is the center of attention around here! My girls She loves giving her baby a bath! We had to open it and put water in it immediately :) I do believe this was her most favorite gift at BeBe and Pappy's house. She literally painted off and on ALL DAY! I did get a picture of Trey opening his gifts :) It was very weird that he didn't wake up at my house on Christmas morning. Makena tried to get him to stay the night in his old room, but he wouldn't. Caleb opening his gifts Wrenley got her blue tracto...

December 2024 Part 1

 It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas! 💖💖💖💖 The museum holds "Spaghetti with Santa" each year. Wrenley was not a fan of him though! I stole this picture from Carlie because it is such a good one! Wrenley was a flower girl at Caleb's sister, Whitney's wedding. Not at all Christmas-related, but it did happen in December :) Our Church Christmas Program, "The Christmas Family Tree" Makena was the director of our Christmas program at church this year. She comes from a long line of "directors". My grandmother directed it for years. In recent years, my mother has taken over. This year, she passed the reigns to Makena. Makena did a fantastic job. She asked me to be part of it and I was a little hesitant because it is a big commitment. Every Sunday afternoon from October to December at 4 p.m. is a lot! But I wanted to show my support, so I was in! And believe it or not, it really wasn't that bad! Miss Wren Elizabeth was the most beautiful...

November 2024

 November was a pretty tough month for me.  As Daylight Savings Time comes to an end and the darkness comes earlier and earlier, the seasonal depression makes its presence known. I try to stay busy but even small tasks become more and more difficult and Satan uses every situation he can to make you doubt and fall into a pit of self-pity. I have to remind myself to count every single blessing and remember God's goodness and grace to make it through hard days. Makena asked me to go to an air show of sorts in Blytheville. Our museum was invited to attend and it was actually a pretty fun day. It was extremely windy, and we were outdoors all day (the reason our tablecloth was tied up) but it was a good time spent with my baby girl. I just loved watching her talk with passersby about museum things.  I was definitely a proud momma! The planes were pretty cool too! This one may have been my favorite. November was also election month! I wanted us to all be able to go vote together...