This was the note on my tray this morning:

The past two years during Spring Break Carlie has made it a tradition to fix me breakfast in bed. This is not something that I tell her to do, nor do I expect her to do it--it's just something that she likes to do. It is a very sweet act, and even though I have to clean up the mess, I lay there and wait on her to bring it. This year she had the help of Trey. They fixed me Honey Nut Cheerios, toast with jelly, and grapes...oh, and a Mt. Dew to drink!! They know me well :) I love that they have such sweet hearts! Makena wasn't in on the action today, but she told me when she woke up that she would help tomorrow!!
I think Carl is taking off tomorrow to go to the zoo with us. I am very excited about this because the past few years we have gone with my Mom and Grandma. It's always nice to have him when we can get him.

The past two years during Spring Break Carlie has made it a tradition to fix me breakfast in bed. This is not something that I tell her to do, nor do I expect her to do it--it's just something that she likes to do. It is a very sweet act, and even though I have to clean up the mess, I lay there and wait on her to bring it. This year she had the help of Trey. They fixed me Honey Nut Cheerios, toast with jelly, and grapes...oh, and a Mt. Dew to drink!! They know me well :) I love that they have such sweet hearts! Makena wasn't in on the action today, but she told me when she woke up that she would help tomorrow!!
I think Carl is taking off tomorrow to go to the zoo with us. I am very excited about this because the past few years we have gone with my Mom and Grandma. It's always nice to have him when we can get him.