What we did at Pre-Teen Retreat....
Played a little golf...
And a little more golf....
And some laser tag....
And ....
we played relay games!!
Had to throw a picture of Trey in too!!
I have fought a good fight,
I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7
This was our "theme" of the weekend. We had a great time in Greers Ferry at the Pre-Teen Retreat. We took 5 kids, 3 adults, and Trey. It was a lot packed into 24 hours, but it was well worth the exhaustion! We played golf, laser tag, games, and we ran the "Amazing Race". Saturday morning we had classes on the wooded trails. It was really great and I know there some professions of faith made. To top the weekend off my friend Jill called me on Sunday and told me that her daughter, Skyler, had accepted Jesus as her Savior and was going to be baptized that afternoon. So we went to watch her be baptized--just me, Makena, and Carlie. Carlie was very excited when I told her about it, but when we got there she didn't even want to watch it. That told me everything I needed to know...she's under conviction. Please pray for her. I don't want to pressure her because I was pressured and that resulted in me thinking that I was saved when I really wasn't. I don't want to take that chance with her, but I want her to know how serious this is. It's the difference in spending eternity in heaven or hell. The biggest decision of her life....you get the picture.
I had to take Carlie and Trey to the doctor today because Carlie was running fever and having aches all over, and Trey has been sneezing his head off and complaining of a sore throat. They did a strep test on Carlie but it came back negative, so they told us that it was something viral and gave them both meds to treat the symptoms. I hope they get well soon because we are going to Morrilton on Friday for an Easter Egg Hunt with the Simpson's at Petit Jean.