Tonight was our annual Christmas Program at church. I knew absolutely nothing about it, I didn't even know what the name of it was until I put it in the bulletin last night! This was our first Christmas program with our new pastor, Bro. Jon Landers. Everyone really likes him and we had an awesome crowd this morning. And to top it off, one of my Discovery kids came before the church this morning telling everyone that he asked Jesus to come into his heart! He has been asking a lot of questions about salvation for over a year now. I am very proud of him :)
Three of our four angels:
Emaleigh, Brooklyn, and Kynnlea
Collin the cow
Part of the manger scene. Makena was Mary and the little boy in the green, Gage was Joseph.
My Dad played the Janitor in the play
Everybody got a kick out of his hat!
Trey had a small part in the actual play, then played a king in the manger scene.
He really liked being a king, but did really well on his speaking part too!
Makena played the janitors granddaughter :) And the whole time she was smacking on a big ole piece of gum! I don't even know where she got it from!!
Everything was so crazy tonight, that I guess I forgot to get a picture of Carlie during the program! I feel terrible, and Carlie, if you're reading this, it doesn't mean I love you any less! She has been working super hard finishing up on her research report on Benjamin Franklin that is worth a TON of her semester grade! She will do great, but has been a little frantic trying to put it all together :)
It's been a wonderful Sunday! I really wish we were finished with school for Christmas, but we have to go until Thursday at 11:30 :( We have two basketball games on Tuesday, church on Wednesday, and our school Christmas program on Thursday night! Then maybe I'll have a bit of a break.....I'm sure looking forward to it :)