The whole time that we were off for Christmas break the kids kept wanting to have a bonfire, but the weather just did NOT cooperate. First it was too cold, then it snowed, then it was still way too cold for me, but we went ahead and had a mini one. Which means we stayed out for less than an hour and used the pit close to the house. Last night, even though there were a few mosquitoes, was the perfect night. We went out around 6:00 and came back in after 9:00. The kids were having fun and never asked to come in :)
Perfect fire!
We were happy that the kids were happy!
These were being so goofy!
I'm not sure what kind of face he was making here, but poor Lil Man was about to fall off the chair!
After a long day of school and basketball practice, it was nice to just relax and have a fun Friday night!