Carl was having too much fun on Trey's digger!
Shh...they were kind of playing together!
Since Carl took down the old swing set, the kids have resorted to taking turns swinging on the tree swing.
This really isn't an issue because most of the time they don't even want to swing...of course when they do it's all at once!!
His Daddy pushed him this high..I wasn't a fan of it!
Oh, my little shirtless boy!
We grilled out some yummy burgers and dogs!
Then some of us went walking. I chose to sit in my chair and take pictures instead.
Our cat, Salem, just chillin'
Until Snoopy attacked (playfully) him!
Saturday we had another fun family day. Carl had to work that morning, but got back home by 8:30. The heat has been so extreme this past week. I feel terrible that he has to work out in it. It was still hot today but we were able to keep cool in the pool while Carl mowed the yard :)
I'm trying to enjoy the next few weekends that we have Carl home with us. I know it won't be long before harvest starts and he'll be working long hours.
Something crazy happened while we were out at the pool Thursday. My back started hurting so bad I could barely breathe. I really thought Carlie was going to have to drive me home (thankful for all of those summer driving lessons), but I made it home and all of the kids helped me in the house and to the couch. Makena cooked supper and Carl and the other kids helped her clean it up. I was in a lot of pain off and on all weekend and was very thankful that I had some great medicine to take. It finally went away on Monday!
Glad to feel better and able to move again :) And that's another great Saturday for the books.