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Just Because

Just because I am getting over a 4 day illness and I am completely exhausted, I'm just going to share a few pictures.  Some are mine, some I am completely feeling, and some I just like.  So please, allow me to be lazy and most of all, ENJOY!

The Valentine's that Carl sent us at school
He did a good job.  

Then he surprised me with these cute rain boots when I got home!
The kids opened their Mack's t-shirts before school (and wore them of course).
I didn't get a picture of them because honestly, I was just trying to make it through the day.

This was at our school-wide Valentine's/Bday party.
T is the life of the party!

I'm working on detoxifying...whoever it may be.

 I believe this.
Embrace them, love them for who they are.  Not who you want them to be.
And Good Lord please, don't compare them with others. 
Take it from someone who has been on both sides of this, 
it's not worth making them feel bad...just roll with it.

My verse for the week.

So, this was a very different post, made mostly of pins.  What did I ever do without Pinterest?!  A lot of this has been on my mind over the past week. 

