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Memphis 2014

Well, it was that time of year again....time to head to Memphis for the Mid-South Farm and Gin show!
But before we left, we had a couple of things to take care of:
T had been complaining of a toothache on and off for a couple of weeks, so I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and get it taken care of before we left.  BAD idea!  He had knocked a filling loose and they had to remove the filling and refill it, and it was a pretty deep one.  Trey hasn't had any trouble at the dentist in a very long time (like since he was 2), but on this day he cried and whined, and drove just about everyone in the room crazy!  I'm not sure if he was hurting that bad or just mad that he had to be there.  I was sure glad when it was over!

The other thing that had to be taken care of was getting a new car!  It is a Chevrolet Traverse and I love it!  We now have third row, without the stereotypes of driving a mini van :)

Our view from the 19th floor, which just so happened to be the club floor.
This picture was taken just minutes before we found out that the valet had ran our car into a concrete wall.  That's right, my new car!  I was VERY angry.  I don't think the guys head on a platter would have made me happy!  It was so frustrating because they didn't even tell us that they did it and they didn't really act all that concerned about it!  Keep in mind that this was only about an hour into our stay.  
I did eventually calm down :)

One of the perks of being on the club floor, was having 24/7 access to the club lounge.  They had all kinds of finger foods and drinks all the time.  They served breakfast there also.  It was a lot of fun for the kids and it had a great view of Memphis.

Trey found out Noah and Eli had made it down to Nanny and Pop's room, so he had to give them a call!

Hotel Room Shenanigans!

T thought it was funny to try on one of the robes and do karate!

The boys having breakfast before the show!

My three monkeys ready to for the show

Trey loved the monster truck

Carl and Makena in Pop's booth

We love the Progeny booth.  They always have neat stuff!  This year was a Wii U fishing game :)

Carlie and I in the Exhibitors lounge

Trey and The Simpson's on a spray truck

Noah and Trey found a big truck
Trey sat on this mower, even if it was red!

Me and Makena at BB Kings.  It was awesome!

Mr. Cool...notice I positioned him so he is wearing a crown :)

Carlie on her phone...what's new about that?!

Trey loved his ribs!

That night, we all headed down to Hard Rock to celebrate Noah's birthday!

Me and Carlie

Trey was really getting into some song they had playing!

Trey and the Birthday Boy

After we ate we went back to the hotel and enjoyed some dessert in the club lounge!

I have been wanting to visit the National Civil Rights Museum for the past few years, so this year we made it happen.  I love history and the city of Memphis is full of history.  It was awesome to get to see where Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot, where the sniper shot him from as well as the actual weapon used, the real bullet that came from his body....and so much more.  I was a little worried that the kids may not find it as interesting as I did, but they loved it!

Our last stop of the trip was to eat at Flynn's down on Beale.
They had live music and Trey loved it.  
It was a very fun, and different trip to Memphis for us. 
We got to experience lots of new things!

Thanks to Nanny and Pop for letting us tag along!



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