The weather has been so off and on lately! One day it's cold, the next it's warm. On the warm days it's VERY hard to get my crew to come in by 7 so we can check homework and get showers! They spend a lot of time playing back yard ball and just hanging out!
Batter up!
Carlie likes to be right in the middle of it!
On Saturday Carl decided to cook a couple of pork butts. He had some great help in the form of Makena and Trey. I didn't get a picture of Makena, but she helped prepare them before they got on the grill. Trey helped keep the moist :) Who knows, he may be the next BBQ PitMaster!
He so big! Where did my baby go?!
So yummy :)
Trey also took time to walk our big dog, Sam.
Saturday around 1 we got our house guest for the night....Major.
This is the most spoiled dog you have EVER met. He is very well behaved and very smart, but is very worrysome not to mention he's like a miniature horse!! I have to admit, I was glad when he left early Sunday morning:)
Monday was a busy day.
I had to drop my car off at the shop to be fixed (finally), then Carl took me to Pine Bluff to get a rental, then I had to go to school and work, THEN we had a pizza party at Pizza Hut for our basketball team!
It was a lot of fun and the girls seemed to enjoy themselves too :)
Sam, Harlee, Makena, Hope, Anna Grace, and Karmen
I think Hope had about 5 or 6 pieces of pizza!
Speaking of the rental, here she is. A 2014 GMC Yukon XL. It had most everything you can get in a car, in it! Carl said they made a mistake when they gave me this to drive! It is super nice, but the gas mileage is AWFUL and I realized very fast how hard it is to keep black clean! I can't wait to get my car back Thursday :)
That's pretty much all we have been up to since last Thursday. The girls have been pretty busy studying/taking 9weeks exams, so the homework load hasn't been terrible, but the studying in absolutely insane. I'm so proud of them. They haven't made any B's so far ;) I wish I had been that smart in school.
They are both looking forward to spending some time with friends this weekend....a much deserved break!
Next week is Spring Break, and I'd be lying if I said I was actually looking forward to it. It's really going to be pretty boring. We have no big plans, and the weather isn't looking to be that great. Oh well, at least we can sleep in!