Monday started off very hectic with me being the only helper at school today. Some days its just a lot for one person, but I had already promised Carlie I would take her to take the written part of her driver's test (again). So I kept my promise and we went. My stomach was in knots the whole time she was back there. I think I was more nervous than she was. She came out of the room with a huge smile on her face and said that she had passed! Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!! I am super excited she passed but riding in the car with her makes me crazy. Let's just say she and her daddy will have lots of bonding time driving this summer :) I am so proud of her though!

We had our Awards Ceremony and Annual Blue and White game on Thursday night. This is Trey's first time to get a trophy, and man was he proud. He was cleaning it last night after church!

The girls getting their trophies. Carlie is the one not in uniform. She didn't want to play, and that was one of those pick-your-battle moments. Not that important, and after the season they had and the mess they put up with, I didn't really blame her.

And this was the whole reason that we stuck it out this season. Makena got her Letterman jacket! She was so happy :)

I am very proud of all three of my kids. We got report cards this week and the girls had all A's, and Trey's grades weren't bad either. This girl in this picture though...she does inspire me. She doesn't have the easiest way at school (the girls in her class are very rude and hateful). She used to be bothered by it, but now she is used to it. She has a couple of good friends and they all take abuse from these girls. But during all of this she never fights back, never gets ugly with them, she takes it and is still cordial to them. She does her best to see the best in people, and she is very loyal. No, she isn't perfect. She still talks back and is very stubborn, but she is definitely an inspiration to her mom!
We had a very busy, but exciting week around here! Oh, and I can't forget the count down to the end of school has started: 7 more weeks!!