Of course we were out of school for Good Friday (at a Christian School that is pretty much a given). We didn't do a lot, it was kind of an ugly overcast day, we already had all of our Easter clothes and I finished up on the basket goodies on Thursday, so there just wasn't a lot to do. Carl has been pretty busy trying to plant rice before the rain comes but thankfully he got off early. After we ate we took a ride out to the farm. The kids wanted to drive, so they didn't complain about going! After they were done we took a ride around the reservoir and spotted a fairly good bullfrog. Frog season doesn't come in for another week or two, BUT Carl bet us that he could get out and catch it by hand, so we had to make him do it! He caught it but we released it (nothing illegal going on here!).


We had a bonfire/wiener roast Saturday after Carl got off. The boys were having a good time shooting their bows too. For some reason Makena didn't want to shoot hers.

After the kids came in and got cleaned up we gave them their Easter baskets. They all got new fishing poles, candy, & itunes cards. Of course my parents had already given them their stuff. They got candy, beach towels, and other stuff!
It ended up being a pretty fun weekend.


We had a bonfire/wiener roast Saturday after Carl got off. The boys were having a good time shooting their bows too. For some reason Makena didn't want to shoot hers.

After the kids came in and got cleaned up we gave them their Easter baskets. They all got new fishing poles, candy, & itunes cards. Of course my parents had already given them their stuff. They got candy, beach towels, and other stuff!
It ended up being a pretty fun weekend.