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On My Mind Today.....

It seems as though my mind has been spinning a thousand times a minute today, randomly jumping from one thing to the next: paying bills, what I need at the store, which kid has what appointment, what we are having for know, the typical housewife stuff.
While thinking on these things, I begin to think of family. How thankful I am for mine (yes, all of them). The things they have taught and instilled in me, how completely unselfish they are. I think about how much they love my kids and how incredibly blessed my kids are to have them in their lives.
Then I start thinking about Carl's family and how my kids barely know their grandparents on his side. It is sad, but at the same time I get very angry. Angry about how much they have missed and hiw little effort is made to be an active part of their lives. I'll be the first to admit that relationships have always been strained where they are concerned. I have a lot of opinions that will probably come out on this blog at point or another. Two words pretty much sum it up: In-laws!
But for real though, I have had my moments when I have tried very hard with them. You can only extend the olive branch so long without results. Eventually you feel as though you want to beat someone over the head with the branch! So I quit trying. We go to very few holidays and stopped inviting them to events. Right or wrong, that's just how it is. I try to say as little as possible because it only hurts Carl when I do. He doesn't begin to understand their inactivity anymore than I do, but he will always make excuses for them...that's what love does. It does make him feel bad though. We wonder why. Why are our kids not important enough for their time?

Can I get an AMEN?!
In the end it is their loss. These are three amazingly awesome kids. Kids that don't necessarily need them, but one day they will ask why... and Mama don't lie.

On a much brighter note, here is one of the sweet kittens that Miss Kitty had:


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