Makena and her friend Maddox

I love that these girls are beautiful inside and out!

Trey was thrilled that Carl got to go with us today! Carl was his buddy :)

The trio: Maddox, Trey Mc, and Makena Faith

These kids right here have been through a lot together. Three of them have been together since Kindergarten. They haven't always been best friends, but now they are. I do love small schools!

Carl sent me this selfie of him and Trey on the hayride. We split into groups for part of the time.

Makena, picking a little cotton.

My Children of the Corn!

Trey and some of his friends.

Trey, in the sunflowers

Trey Landon
We had a fun day at Peeble's Farms Pumpkin Patch with our school! I don't think I have ever been so dirty in my life! Due to the lack of rain, it was extremely dusty out there!
So exited to get our pumpkins

Much Love