Trey got his new glasses, and I must say he looks so handsome in them!
Grammy and Papa gave Trey a hat (kind of for his birthday, kind of not!)
We had a few days of cooler weather and evidently, it was a little too cold for Makena Faith in our house, so she broke out the hoodie. By the way, yes, she is taking a test in her pajama pants at the kitchen table! We love homeschooling :)
We made pizza's on Friday night. We bought the crusts and the kids picked what they wanted on their own. You know we have to do/ have three of everything! Carlie made a cheese stuffed crust (she used crescent rolls) pizza, Makena made taco pizza, and Trey made a hamburger and pepperoni pizza. They were the best we have ever made and they had fun doing it!
It has been one week since rice harvest started and let me just say, I am SO over it!
Carl and I have been together for 20 years and married for 17 and I don't think I will EVER get used to being a single mom! One night a dump broke down and of course he was already in the late pull, so he didn't even make it home until 9:30. Our kids go to bed at 9:00 (typically)....again, this is a perk to homeschooling. They were able to stay up and talk to him for a little while before going to bed. If we had still been in "school" they would have already been in bed, and probably asleep!
I am just ready for it to be over because I am D.O.N.E. (and like I said, we are just beginning, so pray for me and for rain, SOMETHING!!)! Maybe its because we are already home all day as it is, I don't know.
Saturday we dressed in our Razorback attire and called the Hogs to a victory against Louisiana Tech! It wasn't be best playing I've seen from them, but maybe they will get better as the season goes on (we hope!)! Carlie wasn't interested in the Razorback game because her beloved Mississippi State Bulldogs just lost to Southern Alabama, and she was a little miffed!
Carl made it home a little early (like 30 minutes) so we went out to the farm to put out some game cameras. He had a HUGE buck on his camera and was super pumped! Trey has been busy putting corn out in the back pasture for "his" deer. Carl killed a pretty good buck back there a couple of years ago (we named him Backyard Buck), so it isn't totally unrealistic that he will see one. So far we've only gotten doe, but he's anticipating that big buck!