Go Trey!
Kicking the ball in
How cute is he?!
He was up against a long time friend that he went to private school with.
Her name is Devin and they were pretty good friends before he left.
Kick it T!
Getting Ready for his Angry Birds Party!
Carlie and Trey
Happy Early Birthday, Trey Landon!!
We love us some Legos!
We also love cards with $$$
He got a Galaxy Tab from Nanny and Pop
He got a new bike from me and Carl
Our Saturday was pretty packed as you can see!! We had to be at the soccer field by 8:45 and then had to be back home for Trey's party by 11:30. We had plenty of time, but I also had plenty to do. It has been so warm here that we decided to go ahead and swim at the party! It was just a family party, but he got to pick the theme and he came up with Angry Birds! I thought maybe it would be a soccer party or even a sports party, but Angry Birds?! I'm not sure where that came from.
Noah, Eli, and Ellie Kate got to be here for the party and they all had fun (I think). In a couple of weeks we will be celebrating Eli's birthday.
After the party we still had to clean the church and of course watch the Razorback play TCU. What a game that was! Carl got home a little earlier and we went to the farm (we listened to the game, and Makena Faith wasn't happy about that!) to put some deer corn and bran out and also to check the game cameras. Carl is definitely ready for deer season. We were up screaming and hollering at the TV like crazy people until finally the Hogs beat the TCU in double overtime!! It was a very stressful game. I thought it was a lost cause several times, but they never gave up and ended up with a win!
It was pretty awesome weekend. We didn't get any rain (where we needed it anyway), but everything worked out just like it should. God makes away to sustain us just about the time we feel like we could just break---even if it's from nothing but shear exhaustion!
Much Love,