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Surgery Day

Three a.m. comes really early in the morning.
This was around six a.m.  She was bored and really hungry!!

This was post surgery. She was a little better here because the pain meds had started working!

Pain medicine is a wonderful thing when used correctly. 
All smiles here.

Monday was surgery day!  We have been waiting on this since the end of June!!  I was really dreading it.  There is just something about putting your kids "under" that makes you a little uneasy.  We had a small army of prayer warriors praying for her, so we knew it would all be okay.  I would have taken a picture of the before and after, but it was in a location that would have been embarrassing for her, so I'll just tell you about it.  The birthmark on her abdomen was about 7 1/2 to 8 inches long across the bottom of her abdomen.  We had originally thought that it would be removed in two surgeries, but that was not the case.  They went ahead and took it all off.  She has an incision about 12 or 13 inches across her lower abdomen now.  We will have to look at it and see how it heals in order for us to know if anything else will need to be done to make it "prettier".  She was finally able to take a shower on Wednesday.  That didn't go so well.  She had to take all of the outer bandaging off.  She got really dizzy in the shower and as soon as I helped her out, she puked.  I felt so bad for her.  She felt better after that but ran just a low grade fever.  That didn't last long and she slept well that night.  She has to wear a binding around her for several weeks.
It is Friday now and she is doing much better. She had a pain pill at 10 p.m. last night and didn't have another one until 2:00 pm today.  I did give her a little ibuprofen, but that seemed to do the trick for that time.  The more she moves, the more she hurts (obviously), but she has to move.  She has been doing school work since Wednesday.  I wouldn't push it if she didn't have 9 week exams next week.
I thrive in the normal, so I am ready to get back to it.  I am bored to death being pretty much house bound, but I know she is too.  We tried going to my mom and dad's house yesterday, but riding in the car leaves her hurting.  So we sit and watch Halloween movies (thank you, AMC Fearfest!) and Ghost Adventures, you know, trying to keep with the Halloween spirit! 
If you think about it, please say a prayer for Makena, that she will have a quick recovery!

Much Love,


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