Everyone knows I love summer. The beach, pool, warm weather, the smell of sunscreen, sleeping in, and pretty much NO SCHEDULES! I try to add a few educational things in and we will soon be making a trip to Barnes and Noble and the library to find some new books, but for now, we are working a few things we already have at home.
Like dissecting the cows eye!
(out in the shop, of course!)
Ya'll...I do not care to see the optic nerve, cornea, or any other part of this eye.
It really isn't seeing that bothers me so much...
The smell seriously makes me want to puke!!
We also finally built and activated Trey's volcano, but for some reason I can't get the pictures to load.
It is so NOT what it appears to be on the box!! I was expecting some kind of big eruption...that didn't happen. It sort of spewed out. Disappointing to say the least!
It wouldn't be summer without swimming in the pool...almost EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!
Trey looked like a nerdy tourist!
Noah and Trey under their "palm tree", lol
Carlie was getting some sun!
Makena hates when I take her picture!
I stole Carl's Sanders hat :)
I took a picture of Trey under the water with my phone.
It hasn't been the same since....will barely charge and won't hold charge for long.
I may have to bite the bullet and get another one sooner than I had planned!!
And another one!
Eli wanted his picture too ;)
Shelby, Makena Faith, and Eli (always has his tongue sticking out!)
Trey, jumping
Noah David

Eli, doing a twist (?)
Me and Sadie Lou
We have a busy week ahead of us between dentist appointments, doctors appointments, a piano recital, Father's Day, and VBS decorating!!
After a week with preschool kids, we will be ready for vacation!!
Much Love,