Let's talk about something serious for a minute, shall we? We all know that I am not a huge fan of wordy, opinionated, serious posts but this one has been on my mind.
Forgiveness. It's a nice little three syllable word that requires effort that we have to be ready and willing to give. Our church is just coming off of a week of Vacation Bible School. I have been studying these lessons for roughly a month and have been convicted from the beginning. I never really knew that I struggled so much with this until about a year ago. I have always been a pretty forgiving person...it may take a little while but I have always been able to move on..or so I thought. Since the study of this I have realized that I haven't actually forgiven...I mean really forgiven like I need to. My solution the majority of the time is avoidance. Out of sight, out of mind is pretty much my mantra. I don't really forgive, I try to forget. The saying, "you're dead to me" comes to mind. I typically hate that saying but upon reflecting, that is the way I live.
It always comes back to when God forgave us. He sent His Son for us. I think we hear this so much that we sort of become callous to the sound of it and refuse to think about what that really means. He had to turn His back on His only Son while he was on that cross. Here is the thing: if (more like when) we show sin towards God, He allows us to reap the benefits to repentance. He does good to the evil person AND He COMMANDS us to do the same.
" But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use and persecute you....." Matthew 5:44
See the command there?
How do you forgive when you feel you have been done so wrong? How do you forgive when the person you are to forgive doesn't take responsibility for their actions or even think their actions require forgiveness?!
We have to see them as God sees them and see ourselves as God sees us. We have to dwell on what God did for us instead of the wrong that has been done to us by that person. We have to ask for God's help, because let's face it, Satan will be there to remind us of what that person did as soon as we take our focus off of God.
So, now I know what I have to do (I've always known, by the way). The question is, do I continue to avoid or do I obey God, who commands me to love and forgive? It sounds like a no-brainer when you put it that way. Satan will make it sound so hard, but God is an Almighty God. I can do this and so can you!
Forgiveness. It's a nice little three syllable word that requires effort that we have to be ready and willing to give. Our church is just coming off of a week of Vacation Bible School. I have been studying these lessons for roughly a month and have been convicted from the beginning. I never really knew that I struggled so much with this until about a year ago. I have always been a pretty forgiving person...it may take a little while but I have always been able to move on..or so I thought. Since the study of this I have realized that I haven't actually forgiven...I mean really forgiven like I need to. My solution the majority of the time is avoidance. Out of sight, out of mind is pretty much my mantra. I don't really forgive, I try to forget. The saying, "you're dead to me" comes to mind. I typically hate that saying but upon reflecting, that is the way I live.
It always comes back to when God forgave us. He sent His Son for us. I think we hear this so much that we sort of become callous to the sound of it and refuse to think about what that really means. He had to turn His back on His only Son while he was on that cross. Here is the thing: if (more like when) we show sin towards God, He allows us to reap the benefits to repentance. He does good to the evil person AND He COMMANDS us to do the same.
" But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use and persecute you....." Matthew 5:44
See the command there?
How do you forgive when you feel you have been done so wrong? How do you forgive when the person you are to forgive doesn't take responsibility for their actions or even think their actions require forgiveness?!
We have to see them as God sees them and see ourselves as God sees us. We have to dwell on what God did for us instead of the wrong that has been done to us by that person. We have to ask for God's help, because let's face it, Satan will be there to remind us of what that person did as soon as we take our focus off of God.
So, now I know what I have to do (I've always known, by the way). The question is, do I continue to avoid or do I obey God, who commands me to love and forgive? It sounds like a no-brainer when you put it that way. Satan will make it sound so hard, but God is an Almighty God. I can do this and so can you!
Much Love,