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Camp Moose On the Loose VBS

Carl, giving his yearly train rides. The kids LOVE this train!

My room, ready for night 1

Trey and some of the boys playing a friendly game of basketball before VBS night 2

My dad played the part of Ranger Woody..a silly park ranger. The kids loved seeing what Woody was going to do every night.

Carlie, God love her, got the job of helping my mom with the Pre-K 4&5 class. When my mom had to play the piano, she was watching the whole class by herself.

Makena and Bailey. 

Carl and Reed. All the kids love Carl!

Trey and Reed. Reed is our neighbor's grandson. He is cute and so smart. Spoiler alert on T-Man's hair...he finally decided that it was time to cut it!!

Ready to sing!

My pretty girls

The sweet girls in my class.

My nephews and niece.

Our theme for this years Bible school was Camp Moose On the Loose and it was all about the love and forgiveness of Christ. I will touch a little more on that subject in a later post. We had a great group of kids come through our doors this week. Many of them had never been to our church and some of them had never been in church at all. The only thing we are missing is a leader. We have been without a pastor for about a year now. No one is interested in coming to a small rural church. They want big positions that pay more money. I know that God is still calling men to preach, I just can't for the life of me figure out why they think they deserve more! I know one word that could sum it up, but might sound judgemental: millennials. I think I better stop there. So we are missing the leadership that only a pastor can give. I know that God has a man for us, we are just waiting. God's timing is not our timing, right? Anywho, chaos seems to follow lack of leadership and man was the closing program chaotic. We made it through, though. 
Carl and I were blessed to be able to teach the 3rd and 4th grade girls. They were sweethearts and most nights we only had 5 or 6. They were sweet and well behaved, but man they could get loud. The first couple of nights I was "the best teacher in the world" but by night 4 I think they were tired of hearing me say, "You can't talk and listen at the same time " as much as I was tired of saying it!
All in all, it was a good week. I pray that they all learned that Jesus loves them, died and arose for them, and forgives them as much as they ask Him to. 

Much Love,


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