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Getting Schooled

I am a procrastinator. I know this but rarely try to change it. I feel like most of the time my best work is done at the last minute. So in true procrastinator form, I waited until the last minute to schedule our bi-yearly/yearly appointments. So here we are the week before school starts and we have had dental appointments and yearly check ups....all in one week (we still have eye appointments next week).
You know what I hate about these appointments? When the appointment is rolling along, nurses and doctors rattling off this and that and then they start talking school and you mention that you are *homeschooled*...and then crickets....
For example, yesterday Carlie had an appointment for ovarian cysts she has. No biggie; it was mostly to just get some refills on her meds. She was wearing her senior shirt so we started talking about plans and then the "where do you go to school?" question comes up. I pretty much expected it. When you mention that you homeschool in any clinic you get an array of reactions. Sometimes a smile, sometimes an eyebrow, sometimes nothing.  Arkansas Children's Hospital and clinics are notorious giving the stank eye and their two cents about homeschool. I am used to it and usually roll my eyes and move on. I try to give off the vibe like they have no idea what they are talking about because guess what, THEY DON'T! I am in charge of the education of my children. I know what is best for them!
So the sweet doctor just asked about co-ops and groups in our area and if Carlie attended, if she was getting to do regular high school things. ***Here is a small tip: Just because you may know some homeschool lingo, that doesn't make me think you know what you are talking about.*** This is even more true when the next sentence out of your mouth is, "I would hate for you to have to miss out on those kind of activities". All I could do was laugh it off and say, "well, we're not really worried about that" : Pure Ignorance, People!!
Here is the thing, I dont feel the need to defend my choice to homeschool any more than I feel the need to defend my view on vaccinations, hair color, or what clothes I wear. Do you see how ridiculous that is?
I DO NOT think that I am better than or inferior to you because I choose to stay home and teach my kids. I don't necessarily think that homeschooling is for every family.
Every family has to do what is best for their kids. I stand by my choice to homeschool because I believe it is the best decision I have ever made in regards to their education. The flexibility and opportunities  homeschooling presents outweigh any forced-socialization that formal schooling has to offer, period.

I am now exiting my soapbox.

Much Love,


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