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Is Anyone In There?

Good day my friends! It's been a while.  Where have I been? Well, I've been: sick, busy, and thinking.
Seriously, I was sick for a two weeks! I thought I was dying and could barely get out of bed for one of those weeks, and the other one was a week of recovery.  I was pretty hard on myself for getting sick to begin with...I know it sounds ridiculous but of all weeks to be sick, it had to be Spring Break.  We didn't have any major plans, but I would have liked to go climb Petit Jean Mountain or do some outdoorsy stuff with the kids. Thankfully we had a few activities at a conservation center a few miles from us that Trey was able to attend with my parents and I was able to make myself go to a trampoline park with my parents and all the grandkids on Monday...I regretted it when I got back home but I went because I wanted Carlie to drive in Little Rock.  It was her first time and she did great. I was a little nervous because #1 we were in her tiny car (4 of us) and #2 she rides bumpers a little too close for my comfort.  I'm pretty sure my foot was through the floorboard a few times!  Overall she did fine and it was fun to be able to lend my "big city" driving tips.

The night before I got sick we had a bonfire. 

And s'mores 

This was Trey's favorite day: kayaking!

He was sweet enough to plant my flowers for me.

My three babies looking all raggedy.
They should know by now that the mamarazzi could show up at any given time!

Finally got the announcements ordered!
 This is just a layout picture of the front and back of the announcement.

When Spring Break was over we got pretty busy. Busy with graduation deadlines (because I procrastinate), doing school (7 more weeks, ya'll!), a fundraiser at church, and now preparing for a bowling tournament... and Carl started working late which always throws a monkey wrench in our plans.

Makena is still going to physical therapy twice a the middle of the day (what was I thinking?!).  It seems to be helping her gain some strength and some of the numbness in her toes has gone away.  I had to send her alone while I was sick and she seemed to enjoy the freedom, so I am still allowing it. There isn't a lot for me to do anyway (either sit in the waiting room or watch her), and that is the point of having her own car (do things on her own and make my life easier) plus she is very responsible and a cautious driver.  I try not to worry, but I do find myself praying extra while any of my babies are gone! She is preparing to take the ACT next weekend and will soon be looking for a job (after her doctor releases her--hopefully the 25th of this month).
Love her!

School time from Spring Break until May is rough.  Spring fever and the anticipation of summer break make it hard to want to do school but we press on.  Usually we are finished by 1:30...depending on what we have to do that particular day.  It is really funny how people who aren't familiar with homeschooling think you have to be doing school during "school hours".  Homeschooling is freedom.  They don't get that I'm not trying to do school at home...I am trying to homeschool. I'm not trying to replicate the time, style, or content of the classroom. I'm trying to cultivate a lifestyle of learning in which learning takes place from morning until bedtime, 7 days a week. The formal portion of each teaching day is just the tip of the iceberg.

American Literature on the couch with her flamingo blanket because that's how she rolls!

He loves school...SIKE!
He loves homeschool, for real though. 
As you can see from this picture, he has bedhead!

Carlie is busy with work, school, and a "friend".  He is a nice guy with good manners, a Missionary Baptist, and he is a cowboy.  This literally cracks me up because Carl was a cowboy when we started dating.  My daddy used to call him a goat roper just to aggravate me. I am not pushing her to have a boyfriend  because there are other things that (I think) are so much more important right now.  I want her to be self-sufficient before getting serious with a boy.  But who asked me, right?!
Toby is the "boyfriend" I approve of.
He loves his Carlie, and she loves him.

What about Trey? I'm glad you asked.  Trey has been busy fishing and all that country-boy stuff. He is working on his bug collection for science (basically the only school-thing he is excited about right now).  He is also pretty pumped about making money and has several jobs already lined up.  He started one of his mowing jobs last week and has plenty more clean up work he can start whenever he is ready.  He is still taking piano and getting ready for his end-of-the-year recital. "All My Hope" by David Crowder and "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash are on this year's que.  What a combo!  Every time he starts playing "All My Hope" I get chills.  I am very proud of him.  He is also preparing for the ASBC state bowling tournament in Springdale. Last year his partner was Makena, but surgery put her out, so he is bowling with his friend Chance.

Trey practicing on the baby grand at church.

That's one ticked-off possum. 

Somewhere along the way Carl and I looked up and it was our 20 year wedding anniversary!  I still can't believe I'm old enough to be married for 20 years.  The one piece of advice I would give any couple starting out is to put God first. The best years we have had (as a couple) were years where we put God ahead of everything else...even each other.

Now if you are curious as to what I've been thinking, by all means, keep on reading!  If not, thanks for reading and see ya next time.
My mind has literally been all over the place. One thing has been driving me nuts all weekend though; self-centered people.  Guess what? EVERYTHING IS NOT ABOUT YOU!!! Get over yourself!  And above all else remember: Jesus don't like ugly.

Much Love,


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