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Easter Weekend

Whew, what a weekend! We stayed pretty busy all weekend.
Friday evening we were invited to have dinner with Carlie's boyfriend's family. I was a little nervous and my introversion really locked-in, i.e. making excuses not to go. But I pushed through and went and we all had such a good time! They seem to be good people and they really like Carlie a lot. My thoughts on Brent: skeptical.  That is just my nature though. I hate that she found a boyfriend before she is about to start school. I pray daily for the Lord to guide her in this journey. My mom keeps telling me that she loves him and to give him a chance but I'm just not that trusting and Carlie is so ready to fly... Roots and wings, and lots of prayers. I always wonder if I have done enough to prepare her for the future. I have tried my best, but was it enough?
Where was I? Oh yeah...Friday night! After dinner we went riding. Carlie, Makena, me, Brent's parents, and his uncle all rode on a wagon pulled by a mule named Sally and Carl, Brent, and Trey rode horses. It was fun. Carl and Trey loved it and keep talking about getting horses again.
My two cowboys.
I didn't get a picture of us on the wagon.

On Saturday Carlie went with Brent on a trail ride around Clinton, AR. I honestly don't know what I was thinking because it didn't start until 4:30 and she didn't get home until 11:30. It kinda set my anxiety in high gear (the traveling late). I remember well driving home late with Carl after horse shows, pulling a horse trailer and doing out best to stay awake. Anyway...she made it back safe and sound, thank you, Jesus!
We stayed pretty busy around here. Carl and I moved furniture around in our room and finally got rid of the king bed in our room. For the longest time I would say that I couldn't sleep that close to Carl but it felt like our bedroom was shrinking every now we have a queen bed and it hasn't been that bad. Before we put the queen bed in the room, we had to completely tear out a wall and replace it. You know, the projects just never end around here! It (the wall) is now in need of paint...REALLY?! Add that to the "next time we have extra time and money list" that keeps growing.
So after we ate I realized that the shirt I bought Trey for Easter was long sleeves (insert me fuming). So at 8:30 PM, Carl and I were running back to Belk to find a different shirt. Needless to say our choices were very limited. 
The wall.

On our way back home we saw this bright ball of orange.
At first we thought something was on fire, but then we realized it was the moon!

A few minutes later, it actually looked like the moon and Trey couldn't wait to get a look at it through his telescope. He had just had a shower and was in his pj's but was determined to go out.

He loves all things "space".


We woke up earlier than usual on Easter Sunday because I had food to cook, Carl had breakfast to cook, and of course there were pictures to be taken!

We tried the backyard but it was a little too bright!

That streak of light is not a filter, it was honestly the sun!

My Trio

My crew at church

After church we went to the Community Center. That is where we have Grammy and Papa's Easter at now (for the past 5 years or so). There are a lot of us and now we have started inviting people that have any family around here or those who may not have anywhere to go. It is a nice gesture and it feels good to share with others. 
If all people missing from our Easter lunch, it was Grammy! She had been feeling bad all weekend long so she stayed home. Papa came though and Carlie and a couple of her friends went and took Grammy some lunch. It was just kinda sad without her there. 

My pretty Makena Faith

Trey really got himself all fixed up, didn't he?!
Something's are just not work fighting over!

The big "kids" and Bro. Adam. 

Dezirae, Stephen, and Carlie

Carlie and Dezirae. 
D is Bro. Adam's niece who came to live with them in December. She is also graduating this year. I know Carlie is glad to have someone her age around. I just wish I could find Makena a friend her age to hang out with. She is such a sweet, loyal person. I just know she would make someone an excellent friend. I have prayed for her to find a friend since she was in preschool. God must have someone out there for her, we just haven't found them yet. All in His timing, I guess.

My honey.
He hasn't planted the garden yet but he has tilled it up a couple of times.

Makena and Ellie Kate at my parent's on Easter night.
Ek loves her some Makena!

It was a beautiful weekend for Easter! 

"Jesus is not here. He has risen from death!"
Luke 24:6

Much Love,


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