What a weekend! We headed to northwest Arkansas on Friday afternoon for the Arkansas State Youth Bowling Tournament. It was a long drive but very interesting because it is one we have only traveled a couple of times (and it's been a while!). Carlie decided to stay home with my parents. I was very conflicted about letting her stay but I knew she wanted to work so I allowed it.
We took Makena's car since there were only four of us.
I felt like lost without all of my ducklings!
Always shenanigans with these two!
We went to Fayettville and drove by Razorback stadium.
Then it was time to bowl!
He bowled doubles and singles on Saturday afternoon.
Trey always looks so tall compared to the other kids in his age division.
I am so proud of this kiddo! He bowled a double turkey in one game...that's three consecutive strikes two times in one game! I think he ended up with a 175 in that game!
My love.
He is so goofy...he makes me laugh daily!
The kids didn't care to swim, so Carl and I went to the pool and it was empty!
My mom sent me this picture of Carlie and my nephew, Noah.
I think they got some much needed quality time in.
Sunday morning breakfast at McDonald's.
Trey and Makena.
He was not happy that he had to wear this lovely purple shirt for team bowling.
The kid who's mother made the shirts picked out the color...and they were not a girl!
The Fab 4
Kayla, Trey, Chance, and Heather
Sunday was not the best day for Trey. I don't know if it was the fact that it was so early or that it was on a Sunday (and we weren't where we were supposed to be..church). He bowled one of the lowest scores I have ever seen him bowl in his second game...like less than 100 bad. He did redeem himself in the third game and scored a 170. We will not know how they placed until the end of the tournament (it runs every weekend in April). Hopefully they did well enough to place in the top five. Trey and Makena got 5th last year in doubles. He did receive a patch for bowling a 175.
After lunch we headed back to Arkansas County. Carl and I were struggling to stay awake, so we stopped un Alma to get a Red Bull and switch drivers. When we realized we weren't going to make it back in time for our evening services at church, we decided to drive to Petit Jean Mountain. We haven't been there and years and neither Makena or Trey had ever been to the lookout point of the mountain. There was rain all around the area but thankfully it didn't rain while we were there!
This a view overlooking the Arkansas River Valley.
Four Mungers on the mountain...Five Mungers has a better ring to it.
I was really missing Carlie but I don't think that the feeling was mutual!
Carl snapped this picture of me.
It's amazing the hurt that a smile can hide.
Here we were, having a great time, coming off of an amazing weekend and I had all these dark thoughts. I didn't show it but it was very real.
Depression is real and I hate it.
Before leaving we hit up our honeymoon spot, Tanyard Springs.
It is no longer in business but we had fun reminiscing...the kids, not so much!
Look how big he looks! It's hard to believe he will be 14 this year.
You can't see her feet here...she was barefoot because Carl made her get out of the car to take a picture and she didn't want to put her shoes back on! I love her sweet heart. She wanted to come to support her brother in his tournament even though it meant riding 5 hours, one way and waking up earlier than usual on Sunday morning. She is one of the sweetest, most loyal people I know...she got it from her daddy for sure!
Really, mom?!
She was just ready to get out of that car!!!
We had a fun weekend, but I was glad to get back home and have all three of my babies under one roof!
Much Love,