We celebrated my grandfather, Papa's, 91st birthday at Dondie's on Thursday.
He loves fried fish!
We had to add Grammy in the picture too!
I've talked numerous times about how these two fight ALL.THE.TIME.
When Carlie asked to take a picture with him, Trey and I were both in shock, but happily obliged (well, I was happy that she asked, Trey was skeptical).
Papa asked for this picture. He loves him some Trey!
We had an all-out mini photo sesh on the deck of the boat!
I love these three with every fiber of my being.
We had such a good time celebrating Papa. It was kind of an impromptu trip so it was only me and my kids, my mom and dad, and my grandparents. Carl was working that night and since it was the first day to cut rice, he didn't feel like he could ask off early. Of course he beat us home because they had a break down with the combine.
Carlie drove us and man was that a trip! Let's just say we were glad to get home. Her accident really made her drive more cautiously, and by more cautiously I mean like a grandpa, especially around curves!! At least she was safe.
Friday was just your typical Friday around here: I did school with Makena and Trey and Carl and Carlie worked. We made an afternoon library trip for some books we needed for book reviews and Makena's vocation project.
We spent Saturday at the pool with my parents. It felt amazing!
My kids were avoiding my pictures like the plague on this day.
My mom and Makena.
My mom and Toby. He loves the pool this year!
I managed not to get any pictures of Carlie or my dad at the pool but they were also with us.
Sunday evening after church, we packed our sandwiches and headed to the river for a picnic. We are glad that Carl doesn't work on Sundays.
Carlie chose to eat her lunchable in the boat.
Mr. Cool
Carl and Makena were just relaxing.
When we are able to go late in the evenings it is so peaceful and serene. There may be a fishing boat or two out but we have the sandbar to ourselves. It is really our preferred time to go.
This is also a perk to evening trips.
Well I guess that's it: the unofficial end of summer.
Honestly, I am looking for to the end of it. This has been a summer of trials and hardships for our family, so we are praying that the changing season will signify a change for good. God can do what He wants, when He wants. I am not meaning anything slight towards Him in saying that maybe this will be a season of change (for the better) for our family.
We are trying to keep our focus on Him instead of the storm we are in. We know He is and always will be in control.
Much Love,