Hey friends! I'm sure that by now you are all pretty much over this pandemic. As the days and weeks seem to be running together let's talk a little about professionalizing this thing we call motherhood. Seems pretty appropriate with Mother's Day being this weekend. So for all of my stay-at-home mommas, this is for you!
1. Get up before your kids get up. I don't always do this but things start more smoothly when I do. Reading a morning devotion and having a time of prayer are excellent ways to begin the day. It doesn't have to be a long time before everyone wakes up, just enough to get my thoughts and self together.
2. This one kind of goes hand-in-hand with number one: Get dressed and put yourself together (put on a bra!). I always feel better about myself and ready to get going if I get dressed. Sometimes I go ahead and put makeup on, sometimes I don't.
3. Pick up your house the night before! There are some things I just cannot block out. After the kids go to their rooms for the night I just take a few minutes to make a quick sweep through to living room and kitchen.
4. Get rid of stuff! Clutter attracts clutter so if you don't love it (it gives you GREAT joy), need it, or use it- get rid of it. I have one child who sometimes needs help getting rid of things....even if he hasn't played with the darn toys for years! I literally have to sneak the stuff out and guess what? He never misses them. But in all seriousness, living simply means living without the unnecessary stuff.
5. Do laundry EVERY.DAY. Just do it! I do 2 to 3 loads everyday so it doesn't become a monumental task.
6. Create a schedule/routine. Our schedule during the school year is morning school, morning chores, lunch, afternoon school, afternoon chores, dinner, clean-up, free time, showers/bath, bed. During the summer things are a little more relaxed but there is still somewhat of a schedule. I've never been a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of person.
7. Make a To Do List. Write it down otherwise you get mom fog.
8. Menu Plan. This one will not only save you money but also make your life easier!
9. Be Proactive Rather Than Reactive with Discipline. Remember that your end go is to train your children. Change the heart and not just the behavior. If you're looking for a good parenting book, "Parenting is "Heart" Work" by Scott Turansky is definitely worth reading.
10. Choose Joy. Let's face it being a mom isn't always fun. One of my favorite book series as a child was Little House on the Prairie. There is a specific line from that series that has always stuck with me: "what must be done is best done cheerfully".
Choose to be optimistic 😊
Much Love,