Today is the day that we as Americans have set aside to remember those who have given their lives for our nation.
Can we just talk briefly about the importance of history? Why is it important to learn the things of the past? In the 2019-2020 school year Trey's history was U.S. History and I loved watching the videos with him. To be reminded about where we came from; the struggles, hardships, and mistakes that were made to get us where we are today. I know that we all know "freedom doesn't come free", but how often do we think about that? How often do we look at history as just another subject we have to learn in order to graduate? There are so many valuable lessons to be learned and so many mistakes that we shouldn't be making again. I am very concerned with where we are headed. We are giving up our freedoms left and right. Just a little food for thought. Remember why our forefathers came to the New World.
And now, I am exiting my soap box...
So how did we spend our Memorial Day? So glad you asked! I remember well when my kids (now 19, 17, &14) were small. Every holiday was a reason to celebrate. Buy all the festive clothes and accessories. I was THAT mom. Now they don't like my hokey holiday pics. So what's a mom to do? Get you some pets and have a photo session, that's what!
You all know how much I love my chickens and they are (mostly) cooperative.
I may or may not have spent way too long trying to take a picture that satisfied me. Karen here, was ready to fly the coop (literally) right after I snapped this one.
Carl had to work for a few hours on Monday but made it home just in time to help my dad and Trey fry the fish.
Carlie and Makena were patiently waiting.
They made a train..of course Carlie was there but wasn't participating. Her loss. They were having fun!!
Uncle Alan (my parent's neighbor) came over to eat along with my grandparents and Tim.
Trey and Carl seem to love the Llama
After our yummy meal of fried fish, french fries, biscuits, hushpuppies and beans, and a full afternoon of chillaxing by the pool, we went home to rest for a while before heading back to my parent's for homemade ice cream.
Grammy saw the kids playing baggo and decided that she wanted to try. She enjoyed herself! The ice cream was delicious too!
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
Much Love,