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Homeschool Haul 2021

 Hey guys, it's that time of year again: Back to Homeschool! I thought I would share my haul of homeschool things that we will be using for tenth grade this year.

His subjects this year include: Bible Doctrines, Algebra 2, English 10, Spanish 1, World History and Biology.

I think I am most excited for Biology.  I loved it in high school and I loved teaching it with the girls!  The video teacher, Miss Stancel is a little odd, but does an excellent job in explaining.  We have a microscope and a few animal parts (Carlie insisted on having them, so we ordered them).  Trey said he doesn't want to do any dissections but we will at least do a frog.  I think we have a cow heart in our parts. I got a little freaked out when we first ordered because you can get all kinds of animals, and I do mean all kinds.  That includes cats and dogs! I cannot even imagine dissecting Rover.
We are using the all-in-one A Beka curriculum again.  It is what we are used to and unless their prices get completely unreasonable, we will continue using them through the twelfth grade. I think right now for the videos and books (considered their academy) it is $1300.00 a year.
The two main books he will be reading with the class (in World Literature) this year are Julius Caesar and Silas Marner.  I have already done these twice before and I have some very fun ideas to (hopefully) engage Trey. He learns a lot differently than the girls. Once I figured out what works more for him, it was cake!
My back to school arrangement.
Trey mostly does his school on the couch or at the dining room table.
When the girls were still in high school I had them in three different rooms.
This just works better for us.  

I usually leave the back to school decorations up for a couple of weeks then as soon as September hits, I bring all the fall stuff out!

When I began this journey six years ago, I was scared and had absolutely no idea what I was doing.  I knew I had made the right decision in removing my children from the Christian school they were at. Over the years I have gained a ton of confidence and I have never regretted my decision to homeschool!  My kids have thrived in homeschool. My girls were accepted to colleges and have done very well.  It still blows my mind that Carlie is working in an O.R. every day and Makena is doing great, making the Dean's List and having a great time making new friends from all over. I don't say any of that to brag.  It took me ten years to yield to that whisper from the Lord. If I could go back I would definitely have done it sooner. If we obey, Jesus will take care of the rest!
Trey still wants to join the Marines when he graduates.  I am doing my best to talk him out of that. I know God has a plan for him, I just pray that he will let God lead him in his decision making.

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men; know that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23-24

Much Love,


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