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Weekend Rewind

 Happy Monday!  It was a good weekend here on the homestead, but between the weather and time change, I feel like I am dragging a little bit. Let's start off with the best part of the weekend: 

Makena made it home before the snow!

That's right, I said snow!  It was just spring last week; crazy weather.  
This is off of our back deck.
It came down so fast! The flakes were huge.  It would have been a mess if we hadn't had 60 degree weather the day before. Thankfully we never lost our electricity.  It was pretty, but we all know how I feel about winter 😑  

View from our front porch.
It hadn't done much at this point.

On Saturday we slept in!  We never sleep in, but even Carl made it until 9 a.m.  I let Makena sleep until 10 because she has been going non-stop for the past two weeks and was in serious need of a break!  I am happiest when I can take care of my babies😁 We went and saw Carlie and Caleb and then picked up a few things at Wal-Mart before coming back home and fixing dinner for my grandparents.  I tried my hand at a pork tenderloin in the instant pot.   I found a recipe on Pinterest and it was just okay.  
This is an older picture of my grandparents.  
They look so young to me in this picture.  I love it💖

Today was church day.  Trey has been fighting allergies or a cold or something since Wednesday, so I told him he could stay home.  Poor kiddo.

And just like that,the weekend was over.  Makena had to head back to school,
but only for 5 days this time!  She will be home for Spring Break on Friday.

Carl, Trey, and I went to Little Rock on Thursday night to get a few things at Sam's.  We ate at Saltgrass Steakhouse and it was the best steak I have had in a while.

Also, I don't know who this goober is!
He said that he was testing the equipment out😉

Here is some of the junk that I bought and obviously didn't need.
So yummy though!

And what would a weekend rewind post be without a picture of my chickens?! 
Fluffy butts in the air!

We had a good weekend for the most part.  Trey is still coughing but I think he is on the upswing. We were glad to see Makena Faith.  She had a bit of a scare on the Interstate while driving home on Friday.  There was an 18 wheeler hauling a load of light weight HVAC duct stuff and some of it fell off. There were several cars that hit it.  She didn't tell dear old mom until she was back on the road (she had to get out and pull it out from under her car!) but of course she called Carl.  Probably a good choice since he is more calm and would actually know what to do.  I was scared enough knowing after the fact!!
If you are looking for a flooring update, I am too.  Still nothing.  Still hoping this week because Carl will be working in the field before long.  I am trying to be encouraging without nagging.  It's a struggle at this point.
One last thought as we begin a new week:
God knows exactly what is in store for you this week, and he's not worried.  God goes before you, is Lord over every moment, and declares himself faithful.
Even when you're caught off guard this week, remember that nothing takes God by surprise. When circumstances are out of your hands, nothing is beyond His sovereignty.  When odds aren't in your favor, hold fast to the truth that God's favor always prevails.

Much Love,


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