Yesterday was the school's Thanksgiving Banquet. After we got finished eating a yummy meal all the students put on their individual class programs, and the K-3rd grade program was a hit. Of course T did a great job :) We were so proud of him. I was glad that Grammy, Papa, Nanny, Pop, and Daddy got to join us and watch them. I do have this on video, but due to technical difficulties, I can't put it on here :(
The girls individual grades did a poem and they did a great job too :) The best part of yesterday was that it was the last day of school before Thanksgiving Break!! Yes, I plan to sleep-in as much as possible next week!
Trey the turkey and Atticus the Indian
His hat fell in front of his face :)
T, doin' his thing
Hope, Makena, and Samantha reading their poem
All the class and half of Maddie! I never could get her to look up!
Carlie wouldn't look up either. Doesn't she look grown up?
Aiden, Hannah, and Carlie
It was a really nice program and each class did a great job. Another thing I am thankful for: Being able to send my kids to a Christian school, and of course being able to work there and be with them :)
Gobble Gobble, Everybody!!