Silly Boy!
My pretty girl!
They were freezing in the elevator!
After we played in the pool we headed down Beale Street to eat at Hard Rock Cafe. It's been a couple of years since we have eaten there and we all enjoyed it! Noah wasn't at all bothered by all the loud music, I think if anything, it made him feel more at home (the noise, not the rock music!)! As we were about to leave Makena saw the horse and carriages begged for a ride so we Carl caved and so we had a very nice little carriage ride, even if all 8 of us were in one carriage :) We learned lots about the history of the Downtown area. I do have pictures somewhere, I just can't get them to load. I'm not sure if it is Blogger or my Internet that's giving me such trouble.
So now on to the Show! The kids had so much fun going around and getting all kinds of stuff....pencils, magnets, bags, candy, and much more! We came home with three bags FULL of these things! Carlie climbed up in a spray truck (not sure the official name). We're all in trouble if she ever gets to drive one of these!
Here is the only picture that would load from Hard Rock. Pop couldn't even get off his phone for a picture with Kena :)
Carl and Makena. She's been a real Daddy's Girl lately.
Trey stood in line and got a picture and an autograph from The Duck Commander! He sort of knew who he was because he has watched him on TV with Carl a time or two.
Trey and Noah on a fork lift. I know I got T's picture on here last year, but Noah's first time excitement over everything (especially all the different sizes of tires!) was so cute, I had to get another picture of them both this year.
At the Fire Museum. The boys had a blast, but I think the girls had fun too!
So there you have it! Finally, I got the Memphis post finished! Now you don't have to read about fishing anymore :)
Thanks Nanny and Pop for taking us again :)