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Wild And Crazy Weekend

This has been one wild and crazy weekend!  First was our bon-fire Friday night.  Jamie, Cody, and the kids were in town for Lauren and David's wedding so while Jamie was at rehearsal (she played the piano) Cody and the kids, my parents, and my grandparents, Mrs. Cheryl and Luke came over for a bon-fire.  It was so much fun watching all the kids play together and have such a good time.
Ellie Kate and Elijah.  That girl LOVED to slide. 
Five Little Monkey's sitting at the picnic table.
Makena was missing!
There she is!
Noah was getting lots of practice roasting marshmallows.
I think they did the whole package :)  And ate most of them!
Mrs. Cheryl and Luke.  Luke had a great time watching all the madness.  I really think he just enjoyed being outside.

Look at how tight EK was hanging on to Pop.  I don't think she trusted him.

Saturday we had a wedding to attend at 1:00 in the afternoon!  Who has a wedding at 1:00?!  Anyway, it was a lot of work.  We finally left at 3:30 to take the girls to a birthday party in Roe.
Lauren and Carlie
Lauren was a neighbor of ours for around 8 years(when she moved out) and she was always especially close to Carlie.  They would always buy the kids Christmas gifts and bring them over.  Jamie and I both used to call her our "red-headed step sister" :) 

Me, Carlie, and Lauren (terrible picture of me)
It was kind of bittersweet because Lauren's mom passed away suddenly six years ago.  I know that she would be proud of her, though.

When we finally left and got the girls where they were supposed to be Carl, T, and I went fishing!  We went to the farm and took the boat this time.  The fishing was not good.  Carl caught three small fish and the moss was awful, but we had a good time being together alone with T.  He is such a funny kid.  Before we picked the girls up at 8:00 we went to Stuttgart and got Mickey D's.  The party that they went to was actually supposed to be a sleepover, but since it was on a Saturday night I told them they couldn't spend the night.  Carlie was okay with it, but Makena was extremely mad about it.  I got the excuse, "I go to church every Sunday, can't I just stay the night?".  No.  I wasn't allowed to do it when I grew up and neither will they.  I tried to explain to her, but she was just too mad.  Welcome to the pre-teen world. 

Today we all went to church (thankful that nobody is sick) and then had a cook-out at Mom and Dad's house with the Simpson's and Grammy and Papa.  The kids had a great time playing and we had yummy food :)  Speaking of food,  I've been on a diet for about 3 1/2 weeks now and have lost 6lbs.  It's not much, but I'm so happy that I'm closer to my goal of 15lbs.  Some days I feel like I could do this forever, but this past week it seemed like I could eat everything in sight!  I have found the My Fitness Pal app on my phone to be really helpful.  I keep track of everything I eat and it helps me stay within my daily range.   

Carlie, Noah, Ellie Kate, and Makena.  They are great big cousins!
Noah and Trey were busy little bees playing with trucks and cars.

So that's it, that was our wild and crazy weekend.  Now I'm looking forward to this next week of rest...well, at least I'll get to sleep in!

Happy Spring Break!!!!


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