As the kids get older Halloween becomes less of a big deal. For example, it used to be all about the cutest costume, however now it's about getting the most candy. Needless to say, this will be Carlie's last year to trick-or-treat. If it were up to me she wouldn't have done it this year, but Carl (yes, Carl) thought she should do it one more year!! So, here we are; half sick (all three kids on antibiotics) and thrown together costumes:
Two witches and Jase from Duck Dynasty
Trey the Duck Man
At Aunt Becky and Uncle Deano's
Every time I see a picture of him I want to start singing the theme music: Sharp Dressed Man :)
I am well aware that I might not have been "fair" with my picture taking. Yes, I did take more of T, but get over it. He's the only one that's technically the right age for this ridiculous holiday!
On a totally different note, Carlie is finally on the mend. After taking her to the doctor and missing three days of school, she is finally back...not 100%, but back. Her ears are still stopped up and she can't hear, but I insisted that she try and stay at school today. I hate for her to get behind and she has a huge project due tomorrow that she hasn't even started on! I foresee a late-niter! Makena and Trey are sill coughing but seem to be doing better :)
Carl is finally done with bean harvest and finished planting the last bit of wheat today! He is so excited to take the kids on the youth hunt this weekend. Maybe even more excited than them. Now he has to figure out how to take 3 kids hunting in 1day!! I'm saying to take my Dad with them and let him take one, then Carl can take two in a pop-up stand, but he's leaning towards ME taking two and him taking one....we'll see who wins this one! Hunting pretty much comes up in EVERY single conversation we have. I should be used to it after almost 17 years but it still irritates me! Seriously, I do hope he has a good season and kills lots of deer. The only problem is that our freezer went out and we don't have anywhere to put the meat at this time. December can't come fast enough.