Sunday, on Mother's Day, we also had our Discovery Closing Program. Each class always stands and says something about what they have learned, whether it be a Bible verse or just information learned during the year.

Trey and Blaine with their teacher, Mrs. Andrea. Trey made me so mad I just wanted to jerk his bottom down and give him a spanking. He knew his verse and where it came from, but decided at some point after we got to church, to write it on his hand. Then, he proceeded to read it from his hand in front of everyone! He did know it. I don't know if he was afraid he would get up there and forget it or just did it for a laugh, but this Momma wasn't happy about it! But I got over it pretty fast :)

This girl, Makena Faith, I am so proud of. She was the only one to show up in her class. She recited the Roman Road by memory in front of a crowd without a blink of an eye. She rocked it!

Carlie with the Discovery Teens
She had her part at home but didn't see that it was very important to memorize it. None of the teens memorized their part! I'm really struggling with this age. Just say a prayer for me. I've said it a million times on this blog, EVERY age has it's up's and down's! I love her so much, but dang it's hard to get along with her sometimes!
I am glad the kids had the chance to show the whole church what we do on Wednesday nights. It's not all about fun and games. We try our best to teach them too!!

Trey and Blaine with their teacher, Mrs. Andrea. Trey made me so mad I just wanted to jerk his bottom down and give him a spanking. He knew his verse and where it came from, but decided at some point after we got to church, to write it on his hand. Then, he proceeded to read it from his hand in front of everyone! He did know it. I don't know if he was afraid he would get up there and forget it or just did it for a laugh, but this Momma wasn't happy about it! But I got over it pretty fast :)

This girl, Makena Faith, I am so proud of. She was the only one to show up in her class. She recited the Roman Road by memory in front of a crowd without a blink of an eye. She rocked it!

Carlie with the Discovery Teens
She had her part at home but didn't see that it was very important to memorize it. None of the teens memorized their part! I'm really struggling with this age. Just say a prayer for me. I've said it a million times on this blog, EVERY age has it's up's and down's! I love her so much, but dang it's hard to get along with her sometimes!
I am glad the kids had the chance to show the whole church what we do on Wednesday nights. It's not all about fun and games. We try our best to teach them too!!