We had another great weekend! It started off with a driving lesson for both Carlie and Makena at the farm. Carlie is driving a little more on the real roads and that scares me to death. This usually happens on Sunday nights after church (it is still light now) and in my new car! I seriously think I lost about 5 years off of my life the last time she backed out of the church parking lot. Anyway, on Saturday Carl had to work on the wheelchair ramp at the church with some of the men. Then he started working on the bench on the back porch. Here is the finished product:

I am very happy with it. Trey and I helped a little :)
Carl cooked ribs while he was working on the porch...what a man, I tell ya! We are blessed to have him! Since we had been so busy we didn't ask anybody over. We were really tired, but not too tired to pig out!! The ribs were awesome.

Today was Senior Sunday at our church. We honored two of our High School graduates, Kayli and Spencer. It was fun but a little awkward because neither of them have really been to church since we got our new pastor....7 months ago! So, Bro. Jeff really couldn't say a lot about them.
It was just really different.
It was a very productive weekend! Lots of family time, which I LOVE.

I am very happy with it. Trey and I helped a little :)
Carl cooked ribs while he was working on the porch...what a man, I tell ya! We are blessed to have him! Since we had been so busy we didn't ask anybody over. We were really tired, but not too tired to pig out!! The ribs were awesome.

Today was Senior Sunday at our church. We honored two of our High School graduates, Kayli and Spencer. It was fun but a little awkward because neither of them have really been to church since we got our new pastor....7 months ago! So, Bro. Jeff really couldn't say a lot about them.
It was just really different.
It was a very productive weekend! Lots of family time, which I LOVE.