We have been taking it easy around here lately. I realized on Tuesday that I hadn't been to "town" (18 Mikes away) since Friday...that's 4 days away from civilization (not really, but kind of). I am honestly NOT missing the drive EVERY DAY!!
We have finally started to get some veggies out of our garden! Still no tomatoes, but we have squash, cucumbers and jalapenos.
I may have mentioned it before, but I do love these flowers. Most of them are taller than I am!
Trey and Carl have been shooting their bows. They are already ready for hunting season!
Carlie and Sadie
My Sadie Lou and the sack she drug up from somewhere!
Every year we try to take a picture of all of my moms grandkids on the diving board at her pool.
It's kind of neat to see how much they have grown from year to year!
Yesterday evening we drove to the farm so Carl and Trey could put their game cameras out.
They are mostly trying to see how many hogs they can get rid of before deer season!
Makena Faith and her giant flamingo, Fawn!
Carlie worked hard on verse posters for Vacation Bible School, which is next week!
I am in charge of the music for VBS again, so my mom ordered me some masks of different farm animals that the kids can wear while singing (we'll see how long they last). Does this look like an owl to you?! It really doesn't to me, but that is what it is supposed be :)
So now that things are moving a little slower for us, I think it may be time to start on some projects around the house. I'm pacing myself, so maybe next week :)
Much Love,