This year our theme for Vacation Bible School was Cowabunga Farm. We survived the week with 30+ kids and the hottest temperatures that we've had so far this summer. It was always easy, but it was so worth it to hear the kids tell about all they had learned.
Welcome to Cowabunga Farm!
Carl and some of the kids pumping and dumping their water
Our farm animal for the first night was Buster the goat.
Trey and cousins
The second night we had Tilly the mini horse!
Noah, Lucas, and buds (trouble times 3)!
Uncle Dean with the boys on the Gator!
Nick and Carlie ;)
Makena Faith: she helped me out by playing the guitar for me this week :)
The third night we had chickens!
The fourth night we had baby puppies (too small to be there if you ask me) and rabbits.
Trey and Makena getting the pumping/dumping station ready since Carl couldn't be there Thursday night.
My two goof ball girls...LOVE them to pieces!!
Much Love,