Whew, I am so glad this week is almost over! It has been a doozy. I am really glad that our beach countdown is now at 10 days...eek! I just feel like I have been going through the motions all week. In fact some days I have felt like if I hadn't had kids, I probably wouldn't have even bothered to get out of bed! But motherhood calls and God is good, so the show goes on.
Monday night after Carl got home from work we went to my parents house to shuck and bag some corn. I absolutely LOVE being able to eat it in the winter....it's like a little gift reminding me that summer is coming again!!
On Tuesday evening the kids and I went back over to Nanny's to do our tie dye shirts while Carl stayed home and worked on the boat. They had fun and turned out
great (I forgot to take an after picture though!).
Wednesday was the big appointment with a plastic surgeon to see about having Makena's birthmark removed. It went great! We were a little bummed because the ACH gift shop was closed, but managed to make up for it with yummy treats elsewhere :) We scheduled surgery for October. It sounds so far away!! We have never had a surgery done at ACH, but I really like the hospital. They are all super nice and very knowledgeable.
We were surprised to find out that she will have to have 2 surgeries to get it all removed. ..it is HUGE. If they tried to do it all in one surgery it would really mess up the appearance of her belly button. So 2 surgeries it will be!
Today was a little better for me, at least I felt somewhat human. We had a pretty good day filled with grocery shopping, swimming, and decorating for the 4th of July!
We don't have any big plans for tomorrow. The kids and I may make a fireworks run at some point. Carl will have to work and do prep work for his pork butts he is cooking on Saturday, and I'm sure that unless it rains, which is highly unlikely, we will swim!
Monday night after Carl got home from work we went to my parents house to shuck and bag some corn. I absolutely LOVE being able to eat it in the winter....it's like a little gift reminding me that summer is coming again!!
On Tuesday evening the kids and I went back over to Nanny's to do our tie dye shirts while Carl stayed home and worked on the boat. They had fun and turned out
great (I forgot to take an after picture though!).
Wednesday was the big appointment with a plastic surgeon to see about having Makena's birthmark removed. It went great! We were a little bummed because the ACH gift shop was closed, but managed to make up for it with yummy treats elsewhere :) We scheduled surgery for October. It sounds so far away!! We have never had a surgery done at ACH, but I really like the hospital. They are all super nice and very knowledgeable.
We were surprised to find out that she will have to have 2 surgeries to get it all removed. ..it is HUGE. If they tried to do it all in one surgery it would really mess up the appearance of her belly button. So 2 surgeries it will be!
Today was a little better for me, at least I felt somewhat human. We had a pretty good day filled with grocery shopping, swimming, and decorating for the 4th of July!
We don't have any big plans for tomorrow. The kids and I may make a fireworks run at some point. Carl will have to work and do prep work for his pork butts he is cooking on Saturday, and I'm sure that unless it rains, which is highly unlikely, we will swim!
He was enjoying his job!
Trey, Nanny, and Makena were working hard!
Carl, not so much!!
Carlie didn't want her picture taken but her job was rinsing the corn.
Our goodies!
Makena making her tie dye shirt.
Trey hadn't planned on making one, but changed his mind later.
I have a picture of Carlie too, but it wouldn't load...grr.
We laughed about Makena being the first in the family to have plastic surgery!
I had a lot of fun spending time with my "cream in the middle" child.
Decorations going up!! Maybe I'll have pictures of our inside decorations tomorrow.
We still managed to have fun in spite of the funk I've been in all week!
Much Love,