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Respect the Bear

I posted a picture a week or so ago of me "proudly sporting" my Mama Bear shirt.
Let's just take a few minutes to talk about respecting the Mama Bear.
First of all, who is this Mama Bear I speak of? It's me. It's me and every other mother out there who doesn't hesitate to take up for their wronged children. Honestly, I try to hide my inner mama bear most of the time. I don't necessarily like having her come out but let's just face it, sometimes she comes out in a BIG way!
Secondly, you might me wondering what makes Mama Bear appear? I would have to say that it is different for every mother. The biggest thing for me is another person (specifically a person who doesn't have children of their own) disciplining my children if I am there. If I am there, watching my kids, and I don't get on to them, you have absolutely NO right to get on to them in my book. I know there are opposing opinions on this. Let me just put it to you this way, unless you are an authority figure in charge (say at school), or unless my kid is indangering their own life or the lives of others, you better just walk away or come speak to me. Most of the time I am not an irrational person. I discipline my kids and they are well behaved (especially the girls) 90 % of the time. I can handle it. Another instance might be embarrassing my kids in front of other people to make yourself look funny or cool. Yes, I'm still talking about adults here. Again, it usually happens with "adults" between the ages of 19-30ish and usually they do not have children of their own or are the kind of parents that are totally oblivious to their own kids because they are so focused on yours! If you as an adult have to make fun of or embarrass a child to get a laugh from others, you got problems.
And lastly, what can you do if Mama Bear comes out? Run!! No, I'm joking (kind of). For real though, just be respectful. Be respectful to the fact that this woman loves her kids so much that she is willing to defend (when necessary) and fight for them. Be respectful enough to know that if she walks away and the relationship  is never the same, she feels that she is doing what's best for her children.
After all, no one can love them like we can, right mama's?
As a side note, let me re-emphasize that I DO NOT think that my kids do no wrong. They are imperfect humans. They are still "in training" (but aren't we all?!). Carl and I, as their parents do the training. That is all.

Much Love


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