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Ramblings From Our Week

Trey made this primary color wheel in Art one day.
He wasn't interested in taking a picture, so we compromised :)

One afternoon I just decided I wanted to put a few fall things out. 
I didn't go overboard because I know it is still a little early.
I also found a new yummy fall scent for my warmer and started using it.
One of the kids said, "It smells like Halloween in here!".  Maybe I'm a little premature.

Trey got great news that his soccer practice starts this week, so we had to go buy a few things!  I think all that we still need are a pair of soccer cleats.

The flowers Trey surprised me with.

We all had a great week.  I didn't get many pictures of the girls because they weren't very interested in me taking pictures!  I will try to do better this next week. 
Carlie has decided that her favorite subject so far is Spanish!!  The one thing that we were both worried about :)  Her next favorite is U.S. History because she really likes Mr. McBride as a teacher.  She has done very well this week, making all A's on her quizzes. 
Makena Faith also has two favorite classes:  Orchestra (violin) and Algebra I.  She really doesn't care for her Physical Science at all. Hopefully she will catch on and will grow to like it, or at least tolerate it!
Trey has done well also.  He really enjoys History and Science.  We have worked daily on his reading and I believe he is doing much better.  We are still debating on if we should have him tested for dyslexia or not.  We know that he has dyslexic tendencies.  He has a harder time with reading and spelling.  By homeschooling him, I hope to give him that extra one-on-one attention that he just can't get in a classroom setting. See, the thing about it is, I could have left him in the school he was in and he would have passed every year, but it was a struggle to the point where he hated school.  The fact that his teacher was ignorant didn't help the matter but that's neither here nor there.  I feel like I am absolutely doing what is best for him by homeschooling. 
I believe the girls will also be fine.  My only worry is that they need to "do" something extra.  There are no extra curricular activities (sports) for older kids in our area unless you try out for a school team and they didn't really find much interest in that.  Makena is entering a photo in the county fair and we are still waiting to hear more info on our 4H meetings. She has a friend from our old school that started public school this year, and they have been staying in contact and making plans to get together.  My mom and I are trying to keep Carlie active in helping at church (with the little kids singing) and giving her the job of being in charge of the main bulletin board.  She is also waiting to hear about rushing a high school sorority that I was in. I just feel bad because she lost her best friend over something so stupid and she is still trying to bounce back from that.
I guess I'm gonna have to be on the phone/computer getting some info on some of these activities know, in my spare time :) This week looks like it might be busy.
We are starting up our Gospel Project ministry this Wednesday night. When I agreed to teach, I said I would only do it if I didn't have to teach any of my kids (we may need a break from each other).  I believe I am teaching Kindergarten through 3rd grade.  I haven't taught this age in a VERY long time, so it might take some getting used to, but I'm excited to get started!!
Our Back to School swim party that was scheduled for yesterday got cancelled due to the rain so it is re-scheduled for next Saturday.  Honestly I am tired of summer and the pool! 
Today it is so beautiful here.  The sun is finally back out and it actually feels like fall :) 

Much Love,


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