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Portaits of History

About four months ago my Grammy called and wanted us to come down and look at some old pictures she had. It surprised me that the kids enjoyed going through them also.
Here are a few of my faves:
My Grammy.
I had seen this before but it has long been a favorite of mine.
I guess I have always been intrigued because I wondered what little Lois was thinking. She has such a somber look on her face. Was she tired? Was she worried because she was beginning school later than the other kids? Did she want to wear that dress? Was she ready to go play with her brothers and sisters? Whatever it was, I think she was adorable. If I'm not mistaken, she told me that her mother made this dress for her.
She also told me that she hated having to start school a month later than the other kids because she had to help her family get the cotton crop out. There was no hiding who you were...everybody knew that the the poor, sharecroppers kids would start school late. It embarrassed her. 

This is my great- grandma (Grammy's mother).
Something about this picture just makes me think of the strong woman she was.
She saw many hardships here on earth but I am as sure as one can be about the fact that she is living it up now, painlessly praising Jesus on the golden streets of Heaven. She may not have left her children a grand inhertence but she left them a legacy of love and hope. 

This is my grandpa's mother, Daisy.
I never met her, nor did her grandkids.
I don't even really know a lot about her other than she died of TB when my grandpa was about 13. She left behind a husband, 2 step-sons, 4 children of her own, and was proceeded in death by 2 children.
When we talk about the "good old days" or more "simple times", I think we forget about how simple things really were...especially when it came to our knowledge about medicine. One of her children that passed before her was a twin named Jack. Ironically his twin sister's name is Jill and he died when he rolled off of a bed (as a toddler) and hit his head (now the nursery rhyme comes to mind...). Her other child was born just a few weeks before she herself died. The baby girl's name was Hazel and lived for only three days. I am reminded of these tragedies each time I hear someone speak of the "good old days". I am personally glad that I live in the time that I do.

I love, love, love this one! 
This is my Grammy, Papa, and two of my mom's brothers.
Something about it just makes me happy. My grandparents look so young and full of life. 
Really, I am just obsessed with old pictures. 

To have first hand stories to go with the pictures is absolutely priceless. I think that my kids also realize just how awesome it is to hear and see about the past. We learn so much from the past; not just about our families but also about mistakes that were made, great things that were done. There's just so much good stuff!

These photos of times past are part of MY history. It doesn't matter if I like it or not. I didn't come from a family that lived a life of luxury. They worked hard to have everything they had no matter how much or little it may have been. 

Much Love,


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