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Joy Comes In The Morning

We finished up our fall scholarship league in bowling over the weekend.
We missed one Saturday and forgot to pre/post bowl so that hurt us a little.
Trey ended up in 5th place.

Makena had a super awesome second game on Saturday but the other two were rather suck-ish. She ended up in 6th place. She and Trey are in the same division this year, so they are competitors for the first time. They are pretty close in their bowling abilities but Trey will have more time and will probably end up with more scholarship money than either of the girls. I'm just glad they found something that they enjoy doing. 
It was a fun eight weeks but I am thankful for a little break so I can actually sleep in on Sarurday mornings.

I just realized that I forgot to post pictures of Elijah's birthday party at my parent's. 
It was Fortnite themed. Trey doesn't play it except when Noah and Eli are around and not much then. My kids are not big gamers. They like being outside, playing instruments, watching Netflix, and hunting.

Noah David, trying to look bad.

Miss Ellie Kate was just as excited as the boys were!

Carlie and Makena played also but didn't last long. It was one of those 90 degree days and they said that the boys weren't playing fair.

Trey played well with the boys.  Sometimes he thinks he is too old to play with them and sometimes he just throws caution to the wind and plays with them. It all depends on his mood. You know, growing up in an all girl house, I never thought boys would be as moody as girls are...then God gave me Trey and my eyes were opened! Puberty is rough on both boys and girls and especially their mamas! 

I kept an eye on the kids while swinging on the saucer. If the mosquitoes weren't so bad and it wasn't so hot, I could have stayed out longer. 

My brother, Toby! He is way more spoiled than me or Jamie.

After Saturday everything went downhill.  Carl had to work Sunday and not just after church, but before church also. Ok, I understand needing to get rice finished. I understand that working on Sunday rarely happens. What I need everyone else to understand is that Sunday is our family day. Blah, blah, I know how incredibly cheesy that sounds. When we only get to see Carl for a couple of hours a day, Sunday is the only day to get to actually talk and have time together. A sort of reset.
 Let's just say it kind of set the mood for the week: crappy.
We had an appraiser set to come on Monday and there were things that had to get done for that, so I got stuck trying to get things ready, and most of it didn't get done, by the way. We also started having plumbing issues Sunday afternoon. Thankfully everything was working well when the appraiser came. On Tuesday all of the good changed... we had stuff coming up in places they shouldn't be coming up. Carl got to work about 20 minutes LATER than he had in a week (of course), making it close to 9 when he got home. Bless his heart we worked outside trying to get things fixed until 11pm. He didn't eat supper that night. God love him. He tried his best fix it that night (he did get the toilets and tubs to drain...praise the Lord!) but took off at lunch the next day to do a more permanent fix. 
Fast forward to Sunday and our microwave (that we have had less than a year) went out. A microwave is a necessity around here. Maybe we can get one the end of the week....because you know, property taxes had to be paid by Monday **sigh**.

Last week I felt like a failure. Homeschool was a struggle mostly because my attitude was stinky. I felt like everything in my house was falling apart and I may have been secretly hoping the bank wouldn't proceed with the loan because I DONT WANT TO LIVE HERE ANYMORE! We still haven't heard anything from the bank. Not overly concerned but it is annoying not knowing. Then there was the guilt of knowing that I am blessed but not being thankful. We are all healthy. We are all alive. We have a home to live in, food to eat, and clothes on our back. Most importantly our souls are secure. All five of us have accepted Jesus and if we don't have hope in anything else, we have hope in Him.  I keep reminding myself of the promises He has made and that He always keeps those promises. We are going to be ok. I'm not sure how but I also have to remind myself that I don't need to know all of the details. He is mighty enough to save us for eternity and He can handle the day-to-day life of little old me. 

So here is to trusting God...and hopefully a better week!

"Hold on my child, joy comes in the morning.
The darkest hour means dawn is just in sight."  ~Bill Gaither

Much Love,


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