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Our Weekend: The Long Edition

Yay for the weekend!  
Our first Saturday not having to get up and go bowling was great!  Carl didn't work because it rained (again) so he and Trey got up and went squirrel hunting.  Trey loves going and I'm glad it is something that they can do together.  Carl said he could have easily stayed in bed but got up just for Trey.  He is such a good dad.  The girls and I stayed in bed until 9 or so then got up and made some cinnamon rolls before the boys made it in around 10:30.  Carl said they saw several squirrels and missed a few but got one and had a good time so I guess that is a success. 
We finished up our Saturday by grilling and relaxing.  
I Pinned tons of photography ideas for Christmas card/Family pictures.  I have narrowed it down to two options.  I just have to make a final choice and get all of the details worked out.  It should be fun.  
Sunday is church day!  Carl washed the cars/truck after church and Trey took a nap (not sure what is up with that).  Makena worked on her Algebra II study guide and Carlie shopped online. The kids started Christmas program practice at church this afternoon also. Trey did a special on the guitar tonight.  He loves playing but insists that he cannot play and sing at the same time.  Carl usually sings with him.  He is really missing playing with Shane.  My uncle Dean and cousin, Shane, have been gone to Florida for three weeks now helping Entergy get power back to those affected by hurricane Michael. They are in Panama City/ Mexico Beach area. 
After church on Sunday nights we don't usually do much.  Carl fixed us grilled cheese sandwiches tonight and everyone but Makena ate.  She is having issues with her back again.  Do ya'll know how tired we are of this?  She is unable to work out, unable to walk for very long without pain.  It is ridiculous. I am calling tomorrow for another appointment with her PCP.  She thinks they are just going to send her back to PT ( and she does NOT want to do PT again) but I don't think they will this time.  We are just exhausting all of our options before we get to the injections. I honestly hope they at least let us try them but that will depend on insurance. We know she has a bulging disc.  Muscle relaxers only help her with pain if she is asleep and she hates taking them except at night.  Meloxicam is a joke.  Absolutely useless.  I hate seeing her in pain. I hate that she tries to hide it until it is so bad that I can't really help her. So all weekend she has been taking ibuprofen because we have no muscle relaxers and now her stomach hurts.  The poor girl just can't catch a break.  Any prayers that you can offer for her would be greatly appreciated.  I just want her to feel better. 
So what's up this week? We made it through most of our exams last week.  All three kids have their math exams left to do on Monday so I can get them all in the mail by Tuesday if I stay focused and get them graded! That is easier said than done some days.  Carlie finished her college mid-terms and did great!  She met a nice boy who is a Missionary Baptist (mama has been praying!) at school.  I am still on the "concentrate on school, you don't need a boy" bandwagon, BUT that was a pretty specific prayer that I prayed and Hallelujah He provides!!  He invited her to a Bible study that he leads once a week at the college about 3 or 4 weeks ago and now they are talking.  I am happy that she has met some new people and she seems to be enjoying her classes. 
I also need to take the time to brag on Makena Faith.  She has rocked her mid-terms and she has not procrastinated!! She is doing great and has had a good attitude. She has also started back up on  practicing piano. She can play but rarely does.  I'm telling you guys she is a well of talent.  God has blessed her with so many and I just pray that she will use them for HIM! She is a little shy and introverted and the devil tends to use our "weaknesses" to his advantage if we aren't careful.  
So it looks like Makena will have a doctors appointment sometime this week and we have talked about a possible trip to the pumpkin patch but that isn't officially on the books yet.  So beyond piano, school, and Discovery, we don't have a ton planned.  I am kind of happy about that!  
All Trey can think about is bow hunting. He is worried about not being able to make it back from piano in time to hunt tomorrow afternoon.  Our neighbor has given him permission to hunt on his property so he set up a ground blind out there on Saturday. He is a super happy boy.

Trey squirrel hunting Saturday morning. 

If he doesn't have a gun, he has a guitar...

The Simpson kids were here this weekend and I happened to have my camera with me so we decided to get a picture with Papa. These are six of his 9 great-grandkids.

And we also had to get one with Papa and Grammy. Papa must not have heard us say we were taking a picture or else he would have been looking!

Carlie and Toby

Makena Faith wrote a verse on Nanny's board. 

Just a little reminder for the week: Seek Him in ALL you do.
Even the little things.

It was a nice laid back weekend. We spent time together as a family which is one of my favorite things to do. 
I'm praying for a productive week of school with opportunities to serve, safety for my working man and college girl and also no rain so bean harvest can start. 

Much Love,


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