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Pumpkin Carving with Discovery

Wednesday night we did our annual pumpkin carving with our Discovery friends at church. I took a few pictures and about 75% of them are unusable. Somehow my settings got changed to something wonky and well, the pictures are some of the oddest I have ever seen.  Very strange.
Anyway, while Bro. Adam read the Pumpkin Prayer we followed along by carving our pumpkin according to the story.  Now, I'm not gonna lie.  In years past this has been a very chaotic project.  I mean so many kids and KNIVES! This year seemed to go much better.  We tried to have an adult or teen for each small kid.  We were missing some of our adults because my uncle and cousin are still in FL and some of our adults are just in poor health these days.  Let's face it, people get old and health fades.  It stinks, but that's life.  Carlie ended up helping and was unable to carve her own pumpkin, but she did bring it home.

First step was to cut the top off:
Open my mind so I learn about you (Ps.100:3)
And then to dig the yuck out:
Take all my sin and forgive me wrong that I do. (1John 1:9)

Step 3: Cut out the eyes (heart shaped)
Open my eyes so Your love I will see (Ps. 119:18)

Step 4: Cut the nose in the shape of a cross
I'm sorry for times I've turned my nose up at what you've given me (Ps 51:10)

Step 5: Make ears in the shape of Bibles
Open my ears so Your Word I will hear (Isaiah 55:3)

Step 6: Cut the mouth in the shape of the Jesus fish
Open my mouth to tell others You're near (Ps.118:17)

Step 6: place the light in
Let Your light shine in all I say and do (Matt. 5:16)

I helped Addie carve her pumpkin. She is one our neighbors and is also a homeschooler.
Carlie tutored her for a little while last year and she is just a sweetheart.

The only picture I got of Carlie (right side, yellow shirt).

I think my favorite part of this activity is seeing the young and the old work side-by-side. We are a small rural church. Yes, we have separate Sunday school (and Discovery most Wednesday nights) classes for each age but we also have times where we work together, side by side learning. Our previous pastor was a young guy from a fairly large church (in a city). I really don't think that he had ever been taught how to speak to or work in a church with older people. The teens at his former church went in their own rooms and did their own things, rarely to "mix" with adults or older people. I look back at how much I have learned by working along side of both young kids and elderly adults. We all have so much to learn from each other and so much love to give. I just think it's a shame for our kids to miss out on opportunities to learn from the more experienced. 

It was a great night spent with good people and maybe a few wild kids!

Much Love,


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