Turns out, she had a blowout on her back tire and ended up bouncing off of the wall about three times. I hate looking at this picture. We are so thankful that Carlie wasn't hurt, even though we can't say the same for Sassy Saturn.
Carl snapped this picture. Poor baby!
When we finally got to see her, she and Carl were at the hospital. She was checked out and had no broken bones but did have a sprain in her back and her hand was pretty banged up. What did she want to do after we left the hospital? Go to school. Yep, you read that right. She insisted that she was fine and wanted to go to school. So we let her go. A friend of hers dropped her off at another friends office where she stayed until my dad and Carl could get back to pick her up. They went to get her car at the wrecker service and bring it back home. She caught a ride to school the next day and then I had to take her in one day before she was able to get a new car.
Ya'll don't even know how blessed we were during all of this (mainly because I can't disclose it). The fact that no other cars were involved was nothing short of a miracle.
God is faithful to his children. He blesses (and sometimes punishes) those who belong to Him.
Through my darkest hours He is still reminding me of His goodness.
Much Love,