It was a very different 4th of July for us, but then again, that seems to be the theme for this year! Carl was off and I was thankful for that. Not only was he able to help my dad cook lunch, he was able to spend time with Trey. During all of the chaos of taking care of a sick kid and having another kid getting tons of attention from starting something new in life, I feel like he gets left out.
We had fried fish and all the fixin's at my parents house. My dad's sisters came and their neighbor, whom we jokingly refer to as "Uncle Alan" was there. His wife was in Florida visiting family. We just hate for people to be alone on birthdays and holidays! Plus, what's one more...or 5! We all had a nice visit and the food was delish. Makena was able to come and kind of celebrate with us. She ate with us then laid down. No swimming for her this time. None of us swam long because it started storming and raining and did so for the rest of the afternoon.
We had fried fish and all the fixin's at my parents house. My dad's sisters came and their neighbor, whom we jokingly refer to as "Uncle Alan" was there. His wife was in Florida visiting family. We just hate for people to be alone on birthdays and holidays! Plus, what's one more...or 5! We all had a nice visit and the food was delish. Makena was able to come and kind of celebrate with us. She ate with us then laid down. No swimming for her this time. None of us swam long because it started storming and raining and did so for the rest of the afternoon.
My guys
My girls and Toby
My Papa. He looks so good in that blue shirt.
The crew from our table.
She found a chair that she could actually sit up in.
Trey and "Uncle Alan"
My dad doing a dive
My three firecrackers!
Me and my Makena
Carlie and Toby Lewis
It's a little dark, but it's me with my patriotic hubby
It really ended up being a decent day. I am thankful to live in this country and have the freedoms that we have. Never forget that freedom doesn't come free. Someone gave all.
Much Love,