This sweet girl turned 17!
Sixteen was a rough year for her health wise. Thankfully she is recovering from her second back surgery beautifully! Her goals for this year are to get a job, graduate, get into her college of choice, and have fun (she would also like to be a church camp counselor) I am super proud of the young lady she has become. She is sweet and thoughtful, but she is also a tad bit sassy and stubborn (perfect mixture of mom and dad!). She is also incredibly talented and she loves Jesus with all her heart. She is wise beyond her years in many ways. She is thought of as shy and quiet but believe you me, when she feels passionately about something she is NOT afraid to let it be known.
This year she wanted to have a crab boil for her birthday. We love us some seafood around here! We mainly just invited family. My parents neighbors (Uncle Alan and Aunt Polly) and their grandson, Bayne also came. It was low-key due to her still recovering. We have pretty much always had a swimming party as at least part of her party but that wasn't able to happen this year. She has to wait 30 days before she can swim. We had fun anyway and of course the food was delish!
Happy Birthday, baby girl! We love you more than you could ever know!
Much Love,
Sixteen was a rough year for her health wise. Thankfully she is recovering from her second back surgery beautifully! Her goals for this year are to get a job, graduate, get into her college of choice, and have fun (she would also like to be a church camp counselor) I am super proud of the young lady she has become. She is sweet and thoughtful, but she is also a tad bit sassy and stubborn (perfect mixture of mom and dad!). She is also incredibly talented and she loves Jesus with all her heart. She is wise beyond her years in many ways. She is thought of as shy and quiet but believe you me, when she feels passionately about something she is NOT afraid to let it be known.
This year she wanted to have a crab boil for her birthday. We love us some seafood around here! We mainly just invited family. My parents neighbors (Uncle Alan and Aunt Polly) and their grandson, Bayne also came. It was low-key due to her still recovering. We have pretty much always had a swimming party as at least part of her party but that wasn't able to happen this year. She has to wait 30 days before she can swim. We had fun anyway and of course the food was delish!
Happy Birthday, baby girl! We love you more than you could ever know!
Much Love,